编辑: 梦三石 2015-09-25


世界长寿地区生产的饮用天然矿泉水、 饮用优质泉水;

具有传统文化背景的著名泉水.具备这四类水源条件之一是成为高端水的基本条件. 这四种水源地的共同特征是均为纯天然的水源地. 随着人们生活水平的提高,饮水意识的增强,伴随高端 消费群体的形成,高端包装饮用水已经成为人们健康生活的 必备饮品.而在水环境严重被污染,食品安全问题频频发生 的当下, 健康饮水 将成为改变生活品质的唯一方式.为 了满足饮用水市场的需求,促进饮用水市场新国标出台后的 有序发展,使健康饮用水市场渐渐走向专业化,品牌化,国 际化.秉承传播世界水文化,尊享健康水生活的理念,由中 国民族卫生协会健康饮水专业委员会、中国医疗国际交流促 进会亚健康专业委员会、世博威国际会展集团联合组织主 办:中国国际高端饮用水产业博览会简称 高端水博会 . 高端水博会 通过优质水源地项目招商、产品的展览、评 水大赛、专家技术交流、行业发展论坛、营销战略分享等系 列活动的精彩演绎,成为了推动高端饮用水市场发展的风向 标! 2016年世博威.高端水博会,4月14-16日北京展,8月17-19日上海展,在业界朋友们的大力支持下已完美收官. 吸引了300个国内外品牌产品参展,汇聚来自全球的饮用水 经销代理商集聚一堂,洞悉市场发展趋势,共进饮水产业发 展,共赢健康饮水未来!堪称是一场饮水文化传播、品牌展 示、交流合作、共享健康的 饮水 盛宴! 2017年第10届高端水博会,将于4月17-19日在续北 京,8月30-9月1日巡回上海,10月11-13日首秀成都.我 们将秉承往届优势之处,不断的改进和完善不足之点,提高 我们的服务质量,加大市场的宣传力度,加强对渠道采购商 更多群体的邀约,为确保您参展效益做出我们最大的努力!? Along with People'

s life level better and better, Consciousness of drinking watr was raised day by day,High-end drinking water already is necessary to health life. Today, water environment was serously polluted, Food safe event was frequently happened, Health drinking water is the sole way to improve life quality. In order to fit in demands of drinking water market, Promote healthy development of drinking water market after implementing new national standard of water industry,health drinking water market gradually professional, International.Depend on attractive investment of high quality water source,Production show, Taste water contest, Water industry development forum and so on, China International High-end Drinking Water Expo is the weather vane of High-end Drinking Water Market.

2017 High-end Drinking Water Expo

2016 Shibowei.High-end Water Expo, on April 14-16 in Beijing and August 17-18 in Shanghai had perfectly ended with the great support of industry friends. This expo attracted

300 exhibiting brands from both at home and abroad and made global sales agents of drinking water industry gather together in one place to understand the market development trend and have mutual progress on the development of drinking water industry for the future of healthy water.It is called a Drinking Water feast about water culture communication 、brand show、 exchanges and cooperation and sharing health.

2017 The 10th Shibowei.High-end Water Expo will be held on April 17th-19th in Beijing, on August 30th -September 1st touring in Shanghai, on October 11st -13th as first show in Chengdu.We will continue to develop our previous advantages and constantly perfect the shortage to improve our service quality, enhance market p........
