编辑: 梦里红妆 2015-08-31
―― 收稿日期:年-月-日*投稿时不填写此项*;

最终修改稿收到日期:年-月-日 *投稿时不填写此项*.

基金项目:国家 九七三 重点基础研究计划基金项目(2011CB302805),国家自然科学基金项目(60932003, 61020106002, 61233016), 中国博士后科学基金项目(2013M540952),清华大学自主科研项目(20121087999)和国家电网科技项目资助. *通信作者:孟坤 (mengkurt@tsinghua.edu.cn) 能源互联网信息技术研究综述 王继业

1 孟坤*2,4 曹军威 3,5 程志华

1 高灵超

1 林闯 4,5 1(国家电网公司,北京 100031) 2(北京信息科技大学,计算机学院, 北京 100101) 3(清华大学信息技术研究院,北京 100084) 4(清华大学计算机科学与技术系,北京 100084) 5(清华信息科学与技术国家实验室,北京 100084) Research on Information Technology for Energy Internet: A Survey Wang Jiye1 , Meng Kun2,4 , Cao Jun-Wei3,5 , Cheng Zhihua1 , Gao Lingchao1 , and Lin Chuang4,5 1. ( State Grid Corporation of China, Beijing 100031) 2. (Computer school, Beijing information science and technology, Beijing 100101) 3. (Research Institute of Information Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084) 4. (Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084) 5. (Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology, Beijing 100084) Abstract The drastic increasing demand for energy aggravates the shortage of energy state. Using green renewable energy paves a way to solve the above problem, however, how to access and control these types of intermittent energy face more challenges. Energy Internet (or Internet of Energy), differentiated from the Internet of only transferring and sharing information, has been forecasted as a typical representative of the coming industry revolution. Comparing with the Internet, Energy Internet must have the ability of efficiently managing the energy lifecycle including energy production, energy transmission and distribution, and energy consumption. Its objective contains conveniently switching in and switching out, efficiently dispatching energy and dedicatedly fulfilling all consumers'

demand etc. In this paper, we analyze the potential requirements of the future energy system, state the related concepts and characters of energy Internet, survey all results with respect to the information technology in energy Internet, and conclude an energy Internet infrastructure and its support technologies. In addition, we discuss the opportunities and challenges of information technology during developing the energy Internet. Key words Energy internet;

renewable energy sources;

distributed energy sources;

information technology. 摘要可再生能源将在一定程度上缓解能源供给的紧张局势,但实现与已有能源系统的有机融合存在诸 多问题,使得当前的能源体系面临着新一轮变革.借鉴信息领域的互联网理念、方法与技术等成果,能够 保证从能源生产、 传输到消费全过程的开放对等、 便捷接入、 智慧用能的能源互联网成为了重要发展方向. 本文从基础架构角度讨论能源、信息基础设施发展的一般规律,阐述了能源互联网概念和基本特征;

在总 结能源互联网体系结构与技术框架、综述国内外相关信息技术研究成果的基础上,详细分析了发展能源互 联网过程中信息技术所面临的关键问题和挑战. 关键词 能源互联网;



信息技术. 中图法分类号 TP393, TP273 DOI 号:*投稿时不提供 DOI 号* 分类号
