编辑: 山南水北 2015-05-18

teams include clinical monitoring, project management, data management, quality control, vendor management and clinical research products supply chain. The clinical trials conducted for the innovative products, in the area of cardiovascular, structural heart, cardio-surgery, PI, urology, gastroenterology and oncology, have been approved by CFDA with high quality and passed the CFDA inspection successfully. Jolly has been dedicating herself in the field of introducing new innovative products to the market and help the patients earlier, and she is contributing a lot on improving the development of clinical research talents. Jun LI Asia Pacific Director of Regulatory Compliance, J&

J 1. Studied medicine in China (BS, MMedSc), a paediatrician by training 2. Went to the UK for further studies in 1988, obtained MSc and PhD in the University of London, UK, majored in public health/community child health, worked at the Royal Free School of Medicine @ University College London (UCL), UK 3. Joined drug company back in

1998 in Clinical Quality Assurance, over

18 years of experience in Quality and Regulatory Compliance 4. Worked for companies e.g., GSK, Novartis, and now Johnson &

Johnson 5. Relocated from UK to Singapore in 2010;

Currently, Asia Pacific Director of Regulatory Compliance 讲者介绍 / About the Speakers 凌莉, 卫生统计学博士 中山大学公共卫生学院医学统计与流行病学系教授,博士生导师 凌莉,卫生统计学博士,2004年开始担任中山大学公共卫生学院医学统计与流行病学 系教授,博士生导师.主持和参与国家自然科学基金、省部级基金、美国中华医学会基 金、英国国际发展部 (DFID)基金等项目40多项.主编/参编著作20多部,发表论文100 多篇.目前兼任中国卫生信息学会理事,中国卫生信息学会统计与理论方法专业委员会 副主任委员,中国卫生信息学会医学统计教育专业委员会常务委员,中国临床试验生物 统计学组成员,国家食品药品监督管理局新药评审专家,国家食品药品监督管理局仿制 药质量和疗效一致性评价专家委员会委员,国际生物统计学会中国分会常务理事,中国 卫生统计杂志编委,国家自然科学基金函审评委.研究领域包括医学统计方法及其应 用. 刘洋 北京联斯达医药科技发展有限公司创始人&

总经理 DIA中国SMO协作组 第二届主任委员 湖北省药........
