编辑: You—灰機 2015-02-04
????ㄆ??宥?娄Sofa and armchair guarantee Guarantee

10 ?i?娇?years 奥???凶恍?ン????a伞????W????}?????????????T???婊???W} k?????????氚???W???????? ????∫??? Everyday life at home puts high demands on a sofa and armchair.

Our sofas are rigorously tested to comply with our strict standards for quality and durability as well as with the highest standards for domestic use. This guarantee is subject to the terms and conditions stated in this folder. 桔?????????????ㄆ???????宥?娄v?? ???宥?娄? w濠

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%.45.! 6%$"/ 6)-,% ??????????庞?????????庞??????????兖?? +,)00!. +./00!20 ????????? ??宥?娄?????海 ?????????????兖????????兖?????氢T??㈤?嵛?} ??》?????S?????Q?g岛????嵛姬??Ⅹ???柬??} ?S?????????????????g?奸??????????Q?????} ???????????W?? ??宥?娄????海 ?}?????????????壁???恍?????????^?????忸?}?????????????嘹?? ?}??????醪????森????暌??昨???森??㈤??????森? ?}??????p??????????????????ン??@???? ?}???杂????昨???壁d??㈤??????壁? ?}???????????i?????晡????????????垲??@?? ?}??????????????????? ?} ?????????????? ?}??W??恍????晗??????a?????????g?奸????}??????? ?}??W??恍??45,,

34!?*%..9,5.$?-52%.?0/_.'???}0/_.'??????+,)00!.???????? 桔???????唐???宥?娄??妆 S?????????㈤??????氢T???????》i????} ???????婆~?氚??S??????????????恍????W?} ????????? ??宥?娄???l???W???妫??M??S?????????????忤?????? ?} S???????????忤????徵??h????勉Q?g岛????伞岌???}??忤???????桂???勉??g?Z??桂??????} 勉??g?Z???桂???????忤?? ?} ?忤?????㈤???????????W??????Q?g岛???} ??嵛姬????棼??? ?} 奥?忤?????柬??忤?S?????? ?? ?} ?????凶恍??柬?????枥????????????????奥v?} ???Z??????? ?} ?????????柬??兖????????????????????????? ?} ?恣?????????忽???敛????②? ?}????恶?柬???w?iw???????gg???????} ?[?????????? ?} ??れ????????桂???????嘹???∫れ???????????}i???? ?}????????殒?剖??妫恣???????晡?????? ?}??w????wD??????妫??斓孤???????? ?} ????????俟弭???掬??? ?}妫???? ?}???????????孔????????????????????????? ?}??凫晡?恶???j?妫恣????晡???? ?} ??????????????????? ?}妫?斓暌??昨???森???????森??? IKEA HK will provide 10-year Guarantee to the following sofa and armchair series ("this Guarantee"):

3 %+%2d %+4/20 &_2,d6 '2d.!$!, '2d.,)$ +)6)+ +/!20 +5.'3(!-. ,!.$3+2/.! ,)$(5,4 ./23"/2' 0/_.' 34/#+(/,- 34/#+35.$ 3+/'!"9 3d$%2(!-. 4)$!&/23 4)-3&/23 342!.$-/. 6!,,

%.45.! 6%$"/ 6)-,% which include armchair, one-seat section, chaise longue, two-seat sofa, two-seat sofa with chaise longue, three-seat sofa, corner sofa and footstool. +,)00!. +./00!20 which include two-seat sofa only. What is covered under this guarantee? This guarantee covers structural manufacturing defects in material of the frame, legs and springs. The guarantee is valid for

10 years from the original date of the first purchase of the product. In order to rely on this guarantee, proof of purchase by presenting the original sales invoice or the print-out of the online sales order invoice issued by IKEA HK is required to evidence the first purchase and all subsequent replacement. What is not covered under this guarantee? ? Products that has been stored/installed incorrectly, used inappropriately, abused, misused, altered, or cleaned with wrong cleaning methods or cleaning products. ? Products that has not been maintained in accordance with the Care Instructions stated overleaf and/or maintenance leaflet that accompanies the product. ? Normal wear and tear, cuts or scratches, abnormal bending, damage caused by impacts or accidents. ? Products that has not been assembled in accordance with the assembly instructions that accompanies the product. ? Damages caused by external factors such as exposure to the sun, dampness, dust or mites, etc. ? Products that has been placed outdoors or in a humid environment, such as the bathroom. ? Fabric and leather covers, seat and back cushions. ? This guarantee does not apply to bargain items, or any products without the original sales invoice or the print-out of the online sales order invoice. ? This guarantee does not apply to TULLSTA, JENNYLUND, MUREN, PO?NG cushions, PO?NG children armchair and KLIPPAN compact 2-seat sofa. How does IKEA HK determine on any claim for this Guarantee? IKEA HK will examine the structural and workmanship defects of the sofa and armchair products as alleged by the customer. After examination of the product and consultation with the manufacturer (as needed), IKEA HK shall determine in its sole discretion whether the product is covered under this guarantee. All decisions by IKEA HK shall be final. How does this Guarantee scheme work? Subject to confirmation that this guarantee shall apply, IKEA HK shall in its sole discretion either repair or replace a defective product as follows: ? IKEA HK shall either repair the product or replace it with a new one of the same or similar model. If the model of the product the customer first purchased is out of stock, he may choose a new product of equal value or a different model of the same category. If the customer chooses a more expensive product, the customer shall pay the difference. If the customer chooses a cheaper product, the balance will be forfeited. ? The guarantee period of the replacement product shall be the balance of the
