编辑: lonven 2015-01-15
首页 学院概况 师资队伍 本科生教育 研究生教育 科学研究 学生工作 党建群团 合作交流 校友天地 ENGLISH 2019/1/10 朱福龙-华中科技大学机械科学与工程学院 http://mse.

hust.edu.cn/info/1011/1043.htm 2/15 姓名 所在单位 招生学科 教师查询 --请选择-- --请选择-- 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)、航空基金、军民融合课题、国家电网委托课题等;

发表学术论文50余篇(SCI、EI检索40余篇),获中国发明专利4项、软件版权4项,目前被邀请担任Polymers, Journal of adhesion science and technology、Review of Scientific Instruments、Journal of Electronic Materials, Computational Materials Science, Journal of Modern Optics, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Journal of Applied Physics等国 际期刊审稿人. 欢迎机械、力学、材料、物理等相关专业方向同学报考硕士和博士研究生,要求学生勤奋、踏实,富有科 研探索和团队合作精神,主动性强、执行力强、表达能力强. 主要研究方向 微纳制造 微纳米力学 微电子封装可靠性 微纳米测试与测量 开设课程 特种加工(秋季-本科生) 微电子制造技术(秋季-本科生) 机械制造装备技术(春季-本科生) 微纳制造技术基础(秋季-研究生) 近年的科研项目、专著与论文、专利、获奖 2019/1/10 朱福龙-华中科技大学机械科学与工程学院 http://mse.hust.edu.cn/info/1011/1043.htm 3/15 发表的主要论文(通讯作者*) [1] Fulong Zhu*, Xinxin Lin, Wei Zhang, Jiajie Fan, Sheng Liu, Morphology Evaluation of Microelectronic Packaging Substrates Using Shadow Moiré Technique , IEEE Access, v6, p33099-33110, 2018. (SCI, EI, DOI:10.1109/ACCESS. 2018. 2842199) [2] Yixin Xu, Fulong Zhu*, Miaocao Wang, Xiaojian Liu, Sheng Liu, Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Grinding Process of Cu-Si and Cu-SiO2 Composite Structures , in 19th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2018. [3] Miaocao Wang, Fulong Zhu, Yixin Xu, Sheng Liu, Investigation of the differences in nanometric grinding of SiC and Si by molecular dynamics , in

2018 International Conference on Electronics Packaging and iMAPS All Asia Conference, ICEP-IAAC 2018, p434-437, 2018. (EI, DOI:10.23919/ICEP. 2018. 8374341) [4] Yongjun Pan, Fulong Zhu*, Jiajie Fan, Jiaquan Tao, Xinxin Lin, Fengren Wang and Lang Shi, Investigation of mechanical properties of silicone/phosphor composite used in light emitting diodes package , Polymers, v10, n2, p195, 2018. (SCI,EI, DOI: 10.3390/polym10020195) [5] Yongjun Pan, Fulong Zhu*, Xinxin Lin, Jiajie Fan and Sheng Liu, Comparison of Ultrasonic Wire Bonding Process between Gold and Copper by Nonlinear Structure Analysis , Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, v32, n18, p 2007-2018, 2018. (SCI.EI, DOI: 10.1080/01694243.2018.1463651) [6] Yongjun Pan, Fulong Zhu*, Xinxin Lin, Jiaquan Tao, Liping He, Han Wang, Sheng Liu, Comparing the copper and gold wire bonding during thermalsonic wire bonding process , in

2016 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2016, p 240-243, 2016. (EI, DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT. 2016. 7583127) [7] Yongjun Pan, Fulong Zhu*, Jiajie Fan, Xinxin Lin, Jiaquan Tao and Sheng Liu, Thermal-mechanical analysis of high power LED packaging during power cycling test ,

2017 18th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2017, p1-5, 2017. (EI, DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT.2017.8046394) [8] Yongjun Pan, Fulong Zhu*, Jiajie Fan, Xinxin Lin, Fengren Wang, Lang Shi, Yan Kan and Sheng Liu, Reliability prediction of LED packaging by fatigue behavior of bonding wire in power cycling accelerated test , in
