编辑: 哎呦为公主坟 2014-12-03
北京世博威国际展览有限公司 组委会:世博威集团 贾军舰

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2017 第二十一届北京国际健康管理及养老产业博览会 The 21st Beijing International Health Management &

Elderly Service Expo

2017 年4月17-19 日 北京-中国国际展览中心 同期活动:2017 第六届世界健康产业大会 由中华人民共和国商务部批准, 北京世博威国际会展集团和中国医疗保健国际交流促进 会主办、 中国老龄产业研究院协办的第二十届北京国际健康管理暨养老康复博览会以及第六 届世界健康产业大会于

2017 年4月17-19 日在北京中国国际展览中心隆重举办.

特邀贵国 组织本土优秀企业组团来华参展,并盛邀贵处领导率团出席. Approved by the Ministry of Commerce of the people'

s Republic of China, organized by SBW International Exhibition Group and China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care , China Elder Care-Service Research Institute ,2017 the 21st Beijing International Health Management &

Elderly Service Expo the Sixth World Health Industry Conference take place at Beijing -China International Exhibition Center during April 17-19,2017 .Sincerely invite you to organize the local excellent enterprises to participate, and invite the leader of your delegation to attend the exhibition. 条条大路通北京 .中国以复兴古代商路的方式鲜明展现出构建以中国为核心的经济 圈.作为新时期中国完善开放型经济体系的重大战略,一带一路的建设将为全球经济提供前 所未有的发展机遇, 对2015 后的全球经济影响巨大. '


建设不是中国一家的独奏, 而是沿线国家的合唱. 贵国处于 一带一路 的沿线,可以充分发挥贵国比较优势、挖掘 潜力深入合作,将贵国先进的健康医疗产品、康复护理、智慧医疗暨可穿戴设备依托 一带 一路 的优惠政策引入中国,这必将建立起两国最具活力,发展前景良好的大经济走廊,形 成互利共赢的区域和全球的经济发展新格局. All roads lead to Beijing . In ways to revive the ancient trade routes in China build the economic circle with china as the core by the way of reviving the ancient trade route.As the important strategic system of perfecting the open economy in the new era, constructing One Belt And One Road will provide unprecedented opportunities for development for the global economy and has a huge impact on global economic after the year

2015 . One Belt And One (B &

R) is not a solo of China, but only along the country'

s chorus. Your country, along the way can play a full role to show comparative advantages, tap potential further cooperation so that show the advanced health care products, rehabilitation products,nursing service, wisdom medical and wearable devices to China relying on B &

R preferential policies .B &

R will set up the most dynamic, bright prospects for development of large economic corridor between two countries, forming a mutually beneficial and win-win regional and global economic development. 上届北京展会共吸引了来自

16 个国家和地区的

1200 余家参展商,8 个国家展团、11 个 国内展团,展出规模超过

6 万平方米.23 个驻中国大使馆和中国

5 个部委相关机构以及来 自27 个国家的

76423 名观众共同见证了本届展会的空前盛况,使众多参展商获得了满意的 效果,政府组团企业获取了大量订单并为本土招商引资带来了意外惊喜. The last Expo attracted a total of
