编辑: 252276522 2014-11-21
VACUUM GENERATOR 真空发生器 ? 半导体、电子、光伏设备 制药设备 包装机械 印刷机械 烟草机械 上料机 塑料机械 标签机 物流搬运系统 化工机械 石油化学工程 数控加工中心 汽车生产线 飞机 火车 、 真空发生器应用范围: Vacuum Technology 真空技术 The principle of DRMC vacuum generator 真空原理 DRMC Vacuum generator are compressed air-driven vacuum generators.

The unique construction makes maximum use of the compressed air and therefore consumes less energy. Large vacuum fl -ows and high levels of vacuum are characteristic of DRMC'

s vacuum generators. DRMC'

s Vacuum generators are compressed air-driven multi stage air ejectors with considerably higher performance than conventional single stage ejectors. The expansion of compressed air is controlled so as to produce maximum energy at minimum pres -sure. The multi stage principle gives very high efficiency and combines large flow with a deep vac -uum. DRMC 真空发生器是利用压缩空气驱动的独特结构制成, 当压缩空气经过真空发生器内部的喷嘴时产生大量的真 空和高真空度. 利用压缩空气驱动, 可以节省能源, 名副其实的达到低碳环保标准. DRMC真空发生器是只要有气源就可以使用, 内部结构采用高效率的多级喷嘴方式, 多级喷嘴方式能满足高真空度 和大流量真空抽气. DRMC提供从小流量到大流量各个级别的真空发生器, 满足不同环境, 不同客户的需求. The advantages of DRMC 特点 Operates just with compressed air 压缩空气驱动 Low noise levels 低噪音 No vibration 无震动 No spark formation 防爆 No heat emission 无发热 No oil mist 无油污 Low energy consumption 节能、低碳、环保 Easy to install 安装容易 Fast response 反应速度快 Compact size and light weight 小型轻便 Minimal maintenance 极少的维修 Reliable 互换性强,可替换真空泵 真空原理示意图 ?Specifications subject to change without notice. Vacuum Technology 真空技术 TABLES 单位表 Pressure 压力 Pa (N/m?) Bar Kp / cm? Torr Psi (lbf / in?)

1 0.00001 10.1972 x

10 7.50062 x

10 0.145038 x

10 -6 -3 -3

100000 1 1.01972 750.062 14.5038 98066.5 0.980665

1 735.559 14.2233 133.322 6894.76 1.33322 x

10 68.9476 x

10 1.35951 x

10 0.145038 x

10 1 51.7149

1 19.3368 x

10 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3

1 torr = 1mm H G a

0 1mm column of water = 9.81 pa ℃ Pressure Above atmospheric 压力单位 KPa Bar Psi Kp/cm? 1,013 1,000

900 800

700 600

500 400

300 200

100 0 10.13

10 9

8 7

6 5

4 3

2 1

0 0

0 146.9

145 130.5

116 101.5

87 72.5

58 43.5

29 14.5 10.3 10.2 9.2 8.2 7.1 6.1 5.1 4.1 3.1

2 1 Sea level 1,013 Absolute vacuum KPa Mbar Torr -KPa -MmHg -InHg %Vacuum 101.3

90 80

70 60

50 40

30 20

10 0

0 0

100 200

300 400

500 600

700 800

900 760

675 600

525 450

375 300

225 150

75 101.3

90 80

70 60

50 40

30 20

10 0

0 0

0 75

150 225

300 375

450 525

600 675

760 30

27 24

21 18

15 12

9 6

3 10

20 30

40 50

60 70

80 90

100 Pressure Bellow atmospheric 真空单位 ?Specifications subject to change without notice. Vacuum generator 真空发生器 SVF80 Series 小型真空发生器 SPECIFICATIONS 规格 Max.Vacuum level 最大真空度 Supply Air pressure 供气压力 Supply Air type 供气类型 Working temperature range 工作温度 Noise level 噪音 Material 材质 Sealing Material 密封材质 : -88Kpa(-660mmHg) 0.4-0.55Mpa, Max.0.6Mpa Dry Compressed Air -20 to +80 50-60dBA AL, ABS NBR : : : ℃ ℃ : : :
