编辑: 鱼饵虫 2019-08-01
绢丝谷SPA会馆 地址:台湾台北市阳明山永公路500巷46号


2 28626217


sv-resort.com.tw/ Silk Valley SPA Resort Address: No. 46, Ln. 500, Yonggong Rd, Shilin Dist, Taipei City 111, Taiwan Phone number: +886

2 28626217 Website: http://www.sv-resort.com.tw/ 充满幸香味的顶级手工巧克力以及自制烘培的甜点~ 绢丝谷顶级手工巧克力采用法国99%顶 级黑巧克力,搭配纯天然食材 ,坚持不使用化学香料及乳化剂, 不论是生巧克力或是依照季节新 鲜食材精心制作的松露巧克力(玫瑰/凤梨/提拉米苏..等多种选择),是老客户不远千里来采买的 幸福美味. 精彩的法式布朗尼 、有机玫瑰蛋糕 ( 限时供应 )等, 不同於坊间的烘培糕点用反式脂肪与现成果 酱来速成香味,绢丝谷所有甜点都不用植物鲜奶油,杜绝所有反式脂肪,健康、天然、美味是绢 丝谷美味甜点的坚持. Our desserts and homemade chocolates also follows our philosophy, nature & healthy, without any arti- ?cial ingredients! We gather the best single plantation chocolates all around the world and local special, premium ingredients to create the unique, extraordinary chocolate tasting journey for you! In which you can enjoy your daily life di?erently by experiencing the foods that you reach and eat easily everyday in a special, delicious but healthy way! Taiwan is a fruit kingdom, which treasures di?erent fruits or spicy in each season, and we make desserts and chocolates by seasonality so when you taste desserts or chocolates in Silk Valley you will notice and feel the season. 尊享特惠 | O?er 买绢丝谷手作甜点 , 任选5件新台币450元以上的甜点 , 送自然农法柴烧黑糖一包(价值新台币200元). 单笔消费满新台币3000元,再享免费低温宅配服务(限宅配至台湾本岛地区). Buy

5 Silk Valley's homemade desserts (limited to products at TWD450 or above) and enjoy a free homemade gift (homemade brown sugar at value of TWD200). Enjoy free delivery with a single purchase of TWD3,000 (Taiwan area only). 条款与细则 Other Terms & Conditions Apply 1.必须使用指定之Mastercard万事达卡结帐才可享用优惠. 2.需先预订方能享有 , 现场客不得享此优惠 . 预订专线 : +886

2 28626217或电子信箱 : silk.valley.spa@gmail.com 3.以上优惠不得与其他优惠合并使用. 4.绢丝谷保留该优惠活动最终解释权. 1.Payment must be made by the selected Mastercard cards. 2.Advanced booking is required. Call +886

2 28626217 or email silk.valley.spa@gmail.com 3.The o?er cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional o?ers. 4.Silk Valley SPA Resort has the ?nal interpretation of the terms and conditions. 绢丝谷手工甜点 Silk Valley homemade desserts 绢丝谷手工甜点 , 买5送1 . 活动自2017年1月1日至2017年12月31日Homemade dessert buy

5 get

1 free. Valid from January

1 2017 to December

31 2017
