编辑: lqwzrs 2014-08-07

s personal information tagged with their ID number, checking for notifications, and viewing personal information held by government agencies. Hitachi Review Vol.

65 (2016), No.

1 719 -

21 - example, over an information-sharing network system. It eliminates the need to supply supporting documentation such as the income certificates issued by government agencies that are required for administrative procedures. Use of Individual ID Numbers The use of individual ID numbers is restricted to certain administrative activities stipulated by law (taxation, social security, disaster response, and activities specified by local government bylaws). Private businesses collect individual ID numbers from employees, for example, and submit documents for taxation and social security with the ID numbers attached. While the initial launch in January

2016 will be limited to documents relating to withholding payments by retiring workers, it will be extended from January

2017 to also include procedures relating to employee pensions and health insurance. Private businesses are obligated to manage these individual ID numbers properly, with penalties for leaking information (up to four years'

imprisonment or a fine of up to two million yen) applying to senior management as well a........
