编辑: qksr 2014-05-24
航空交通管理 Air Traffic Management 航空交通管理部负责在国际民航组织指定的香港 飞行情报区内,提供航空导航服务,包括航空交通 服务,通讯、导航及监察服务,航空电讯服务, 以及搜索和救援服务.

The Air Traffic Management Division (ATMD) is responsible for the provision of air navigation services, including air traffic services, communications, navigation, surveillance (CNS) services, aeronautical telecommunication services and search and rescue services within the Hong Kong Flight Information Region (HKFIR) as assigned by the ICAO.

14 香港民航处 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong 年度报告 2011-12 Annual Report

15 航空交通管理 Air Traffic Management 航空交通运作 本财政年度内,航空交通管理部处理了339 481架次在香港国际机场升降的国际及本 地航班,并为190 458架次飞越香港飞行情报 区的航班 (当中包括39 797架次进出澳门国际 机场的航班) ,提供航空交通管制 (空管) 服务.与上一年度比较,在香港国际机场升降 的航班数目显著增加6.8%,而飞越香港的航 班数目亦大幅增加13.85%. AIR TRAFFIC OPERATIONS During the financial year, ATMD handled

339 481 international and local aircraft movements at the HKIA. In addition, the Division handled

190 458 flights overflying the HKFIR (including

39 797 flights into and out of the Macao International Airport). Compared with the previous year, the number of aircraft movements at the HKIA and overflights increased at a phenomenal rate of 6.8% and 13.85% respectively. 跑道升降容量 随空域和航空交通管理改善措施的推行, 香港国际机场双跑道每小时的运作容量, 由二零一一年三月的61班递增至二零一一年 十月的62班,在二零一二年三月再递增至 63班.香港国际机场更於二零一二年一月 二十日录得1 057架次航班升降,刷新单日航 班升降数目的最高纪录. Runway Capacity With the introduction of enhancement measures in airspace and air traffic management, the declared capacity per hour for dual runway operations at the HKIA progressively increased from

61 movements in March

2011 to

62 movements in October 2011, and

63 movements in March 2012.

1 057 movements were handled at the HKIA on January 20, 2012, setting a new daily flight movement record. 航空交通管制主任执照考试和覆核 为维持高水准的空管运作,本部的训练及安 全组每年安排举行航空交通管制主任 (空管主 任) 的各类空管执照考试.年内,就塔台管 制、进场管制和区域管制三个空管组别进行 的考试共有188次.此外,本部亦向经考核及 格的人员颁发助理管制员证书、空管气象记 录员证书、导师证书、搜索和救援 (搜救) 证 书和流量管制证书. Annual Examinations and Revalidations of Air Traffic Control Officer Ratings To maintain a high standard in air traffic control (ATC) operations, the Training and Safety Section of ATMD carried out annual practical examinations on ATC ratings held by Air Traffic Control Officers (ATCOs). In the year, a total of

188 practical examinations were conducted in the three ATC streams C Aerodrome Control, Approach Control and Area Control. In addition, ATMD also issued Assistant Controller Certificates, ATC Meteorological Reporter Certificates, Instructor Certificates, Search and Rescue Certificates and Flow Control Certificates to officers who had attained their respective qualifications. 航空交通管制中心. Air Traffic Control Centre. 香港民航处 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong
