编辑: 865397499 2014-04-03


1 2013 Compensation Surveys Products List &

Enrollment Form

2013 年整体奖酬调研产品目录与报名表 Towers Watson Data Services 韬睿惠悦数据服务 Compensation Surveys C China 整体奖酬调研 C 中国 towerswatson.com

1 Towers Watson Data Services at China 韬睿惠悦数据服务在中国 Towers Watson'


2013 diversified compensation surveys collect reward strategies from more than thousands of local and foreign benchmark companies and provide market data for almost

20 industries crossing

50 cities, becoming one of the biggest reward databases in China market. Over the past

15 years in China, HR professionals from all industries have chosen Towers Watson as their data services vendor. 韬睿惠悦

2013 年多元化的整体奖酬调研,采集超过千余家的当地或外资标杆企业的奖酬方案,提供的市场数据跨越将近

20 个行业 及50 余个城市和地区,成为中国市场最大的奖酬数据库之一.在中国

15 年来,各界人力资源专业人士都选择韬睿惠悦数据服务. The reports will help you to: 我们提供的整体奖酬报告将有助于您: ? Develop cost-effective salary and benefit packages 发展符合成本效益的薪酬和福利方案 ? Stay up-to-date with the latest HR developments 获取最新的人力资源发展动态 ? Ensure compliance with local laws and customs 确保公司遵守当地法律法规和文化习惯 ? Assess and compare the costs of employment within and across regions 取得并比较本区域内外的雇佣成本 All compensation reports in above surveys include 以上所有奖酬报告包括: Cash Analysis C 现金奖酬分析 Analysis of cash components, including base salary, allowances, guaranteed and variable payment, and total cash. 现金部分的分析包括年度基本薪资、津贴、固定和变动奖金以及年度总现金收入. Benefits, and HR Policies and Practices 福利计划和雇佣条款报告 ? Executive Summary on Benefit Plans and Employment Policies 福利计划和雇佣条款综合概述报告 ? Market Practice on Benefit Plans and Employment Policies 福利计划和雇佣条款市场现状报告 Including but not limited 包括但不仅限于: Long-term incentive schemes 长期激励计划;

Healthcare benefits 医疗福利;

Life insurance and retirement plans 人寿和退休 计划;

Leave policy, working hours and overtime 假期安排、工作时间和加班政策,等Compensation Reports by Industries 行业报告 ? General Industry 全行业 ? Business Process Outsourcing Industry 业务流程外包业 ? Consumer Products Industry 消费品行业 ? Energy Industry 能源业 ? Financial Services 金融服务业 ? High-tech Industry 高科技行业 ? Media Industry 媒体行业 ? Pharmaceutical Industry 制药行业 ? Real Estate 房地产行业 ? Hotel Management 酒店行业 Compensation Reports by Professionals 专业人才报告 ? Executive Compensation 高管奖酬 ? Expatriate and Local Plus 外籍雇员及本土化外籍雇员 ? Financial Services - Investment &

Research 金融行业投资及研究人员 ? Financial Services C Wealth Management 金融行业财富管理人员 ? Financial Services C Institutional/Channel Sales 金融行业机构/渠道销售人员 ? Investment Banking C 投资银行人员 ? Research and Development Center C 技术研发中心人员 ? Financial Holding Company C金融控股总部 towerswatson.com

2 2013 Compensation Surveys Enrollment Form C China

2013 整体奖酬调研 报名表 C 中国 The Compensation Surveys - China includes both cash and benefit reports. Please tick below the respective industry/location surveys of your choice. The price is in RMB per survey, second survey fee is applicable within the same survey category. 中国本地雇员整体奖酬调研提供现金和福利报告.请勾选以下您感兴趣的地区或行业报告.以下报告都是人民币报价, 标列价格为单份报告的价格 Compensation Reports by Industries 行业报告 General Industry 全行业 Effective Date Submission Deadline Report Delivery Fee (1 st report) Fee (2 nd report) ? General Industry Compensation Survey - China (Beijing) 全行业奖酬调研 C 中国(北京) 2013/6/1 2013/6/30 2013/9/30 29,500 22,000 ? General Industry Compensation Survey - China (Shanghai) 全行业奖酬调研 C 中国(上海) 2013/6/1 2013/6/30 2013/9/30 29,500 22,000 ? General Industry Compensation Survey - China (Guangzhou, Shenzhen) 全行业奖酬调研 C 中国(广州、深圳) 2013/6/1 2013/6/30 2013/9/30 29,500 22,000 ? General Industry Compensation Survey - China (East China - 2nd Tier Cities) 全行业奖酬调研 C 中国(东部地区-
