编辑: 丑伊 2019-07-30
I 致谢人於进入社会后,才能体会当学生的可贵;

能重返学生之路,心 中百感焦急,而如今能从硕士顺利毕业,心中所要感谢的人不胜枚举.

首先,感谢恩师 吴俊哲教授接纳我加入其研究团,并且这两年来对 我於学业、知识的传授及论文的悉心指导等,使我受益良多. 同时,我也要感谢 吴志超教授这两年来不论是在课程上或是待人 处事上的教导,让我除专业知识的增进外,待人处事也更加圆融.并 且於口试与论文撰写期间 吴志超教授与 谢永旭教授之指正与建议, 使得本论文得以更加完整,仅此,感谢两位教授的辛苦. 也要感谢家骥、高州、信贤及彭誉等四位学长在实验上给予的建 议;

世宗、榕菁、姝华、健民等学弟妹平常的帮忙与口试时之协助、 一o学妹实验上的帮忙以及江文意先生於论文排版上之帮忙与指导. 而在这两年生活中,感谢有惠玲、傅清及文豪的互相支持与鼓励,尤 其是惠玲,通宵实验的日子及其他生活点滴,使我这两年的生活不算 孤单.还有汉辉对於电脑上的教导,是我中毒电脑的最佳克星.当然 少不了所有研二的同学,两年有你们的陪伴,使我笑声不曾间断. 最后,更要感谢我的先夫与我的父母及家人,当初由於先夫不断 的支持与鼓励,我才有办法持续的就读与如今的毕业,而我的父母与 家人给予我不断的鼓励与默默的支持,使我一路上虽然不平顺却能更 加坚强,今日论文的完成与能顺利的毕业,他们都是那背后默默守护 著我的灯塔与避风港.在此,仅将此论文献给我挚爱的先夫、父母与 家人. II 中文摘要 本研究主要在於探讨造纸工业之二级处理放流废水,经过各种不 同净水处理程序之水质变化与未来再利用之方向.实验以实厂废水为 模拟之对象.本研究所选用之高级净水程序包括 UF 薄膜、臭氧氧化、 活性碳吸附及离子交换等.而水质特性的变化则包括浊度、有机物、 溶解性无机盐类及大肠杆菌等, 实验中比较两种不同材质、相同孔径大小(MWCO 10K Da)的UF 薄膜对於该造纸厂二级放流废水之适用性,结果显示,Biomax 薄 膜虽然其基本流通量与废水小压力操作时之流通量较大,但因为比 Plcgc 薄膜更容易阻塞与积垢,反冲洗后通量恢复率也较低,较不适合 长时间操作,因此,Plcgc 薄膜较适合本研究之废水水质的操作. UF 薄膜对於浊度与 BOD5 分别有

72 与69 的去除率.因废水 中以低分子量有机物所占比例为高,因此,TOC 只能移除

17 .臭 氧与活性碳对於色度、UV254 都皆有

96 的去除能力,有机物方面活 性碳吸附

99 去除效果会高於臭氧氧化的

71 .离子交换处理程序 中,SO4 2- 、Cl- 、导电度与硬度也有

98 以上的高去除效果.整体的 再生水质而言(大肠杆菌除外) ,以经过活性碳吸附并经离子交换树脂 之处理流程,将比经臭氧氧化再经离子交换树脂处理有更良好之成 效;

另外若是针对高细菌性污染指标之原水建议仍以臭氧作为消毒的 流程. 造纸工业二级放流废水经 UF 薄膜处理可符合美国 EPA 公布都市 废水再利用准则中之非直接或间接接触之娱乐及非食用性的灌溉.若 再经臭氧处理或是活性碳吸附后加氯消毒,即可再利用於直接接触之 娱乐或食用性灌溉,以及洒水、景观用水、厕所冲洗等.最后,再以 离子交换处理后之水质,除了氨氮无法符合外,其余皆可符合国内污 水注入地下水体之标准. 关键字:造纸工业、UF 薄膜、回收再利用、臭氧、活性碳、离子交换 III Abstract Increasing demands on water resources for domestic, commercial, industrial, and agricultural purposes have made water reclamation and reuse an attractive and promising alternative for many countries on conserving and extending available water supplies. In Taiwan, the shortage of water resources has led to a severe barrier that potentially limits or hinders its economic development and industrial sustainability. Therefore, techniques associated with water reclamation and reuse should be fully developed in advance. Due to the fact that the water demand and wastewater generation in pulp and paper-mill industry is relatively abundant compared with other traditional industries, reclamation on this specific wastewater should be extensively addressed in the future. This research was focused on the evaluation of reclamation and reuse from the secondary effluent of paper-mill industry using advanced treatment processes including UF membrane, ozonation, activated carbon adsorption, and ion exchange. The alteration of water quality of secondary wastewater was analyzed, such as turbidity, organics, dissolved inorganic salts, and E. coli. Two different types of UF membranes, Biomax and Plcgc, having the same molecular weight cut off (MWCO) equal to 10,000 daltons were used as pretreatment. Although results show that Biomax UF has higher water flux than Plcgc UF, membrane deterioration by fouling has been observed in a long-term operation test for Biomax UF. Therefore, membrane material like Plcgc is though having better suitability to be performed for the paper-mill wastewater. Both UF membranes enable to remove turbidity for 72% and BOD5 for 69%. Ozonation and GAC adsorption processes can eliminate color and UV254 for more than 96%. However, GAC adsorption is demonstrated to degrade organic substances better than ozonation process. Ion exchange is found to effectively remove dissolved inorganic salts, such assulfate, chloride, hardness, etc. In summary, processes combining UF, GAC, and ion exchange would be recommended as the best treatment train for the reclamation of paper-mill wastewater. As for reuse purpose with the treated wastewater, secondary effluent of paper-mill wastewater treated by UF process alone will meet the category of USEPA in non-contact recreational and irrigational use. If ozonation or GAC is applied with subsequent chlorination, it would additionally enhance the reuse quality of wastewater for contact recreational and irrigational use. When combining with ion exchange process, the water quality, except ammonia, can meet the domestic standards of drinking water and groundwater recharging. Key words: Pulp and Paper-mill Industry, Reclamation and Reuse, UF Membrane, Ozonation, Activated Carbon Adsorption, Ion Exchange IV 目录志谢 I 中文摘要 II 英文摘要 III 目录 IV 表目录 VIII 图目录 X

第一章 绪论.1 1-1 研究缘起.1 1-2 研究目的.2

第二章、文献回顾.3 2-1 回收再利用

3 2-1-1 回收再利用基本介绍.3 2-1-2 各国回收再利用规.5 2-1-3 回收再利用相关实例.11 2-2 造纸工业.13 2-2-1 概述

13 2-2-2 造纸业污染源.14 2-3 回收处理技术.17 2-3-1 薄膜

17 2-3-1-1 薄膜原理与机制.17 2-3-1-2 薄膜膜组构造与材质种类.23 2-3-1-2.1 薄膜膜组构造.23 V 2-3-1-2.2 薄膜材质种类.24 2-3-1-3 薄膜之操作条件暨积垢探讨

27 2-3-1-4 薄膜应用实例.30 2-3-2 臭氧

33 2-3-2-1 臭氧之基本性质.33 2-3-2-2 臭氧与有机物的反应机制.34 2-3-3 活性碳吸附.40 2-3-3-1 活性碳基本性质.40 2-3-3-2 活性碳的种类.42 2-3-3-3 活性碳吸附之影响因子.42 2-3-3-4 等温吸附模式.44 2-3-4 离子交换.48 2-3-4-1 离子交换原理.48 2-3-4-2 离子交换树脂之分类.49 2-3-4-3 离子交换之应用.52


53 3-1 实验材料与设备.53 3-1-1 UF ........
