编辑: 雷昨昀 2013-10-01
第三届全国优秀 MPA 学位论文 新时期乡村关系研究 ――以绵竹市两镇乡村关系为例 重庆大学专业硕士学位论文 学生姓名:蔡绣鸿 指导教师:何跃教授专业学位:公共管理 重庆大学贸易与行政学院 二OO 八年九月 A Study on Township-village Relations in New Age A Case Study on Township-village Relations of Two Towns of Mianzhu City A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Profession By Cai XiuHong Supervisor by Prof.

He Yue Profession:Public Administration College of Trade and Administration Chongqing University , Chongqing, China September

2008 重庆大学硕士学位论文 中文摘要 I 摘要20 世纪

80 年代中国农村改革开始,村民自治条件下的乡村关系一直成为 国内外各领域学者关注和研究的热点.党的十六大以来,中央政府自上而下地 发起了社会主义新农村建设.随着城市化和工业化的快速发展、城乡统筹发展 战略的稳步推进、农业税减免和其他各项惠农政策的逐步实施,乡村关系在实 践中存在的诸多矛盾和制约因素也随之出现诸多新的变化.若乡村关系调处不 当,不仅制约着乡镇政府行政职能的有效履行和村民自治的健康发展,威胁着 乡村社会的稳定和发展,而且将直接影响新农村建设的进程和实施效果. 对此,本文选择了四川省绵竹市两个经济发展、村镇建设、文化、人口和 地理环境均有较大的差异的汉旺镇、绵远镇,从实施社会主义新农村建设以来 的乡镇政府与村委会之间的关系现状及实质性变化调查入手,采用问卷和访谈 调查、查阅历史资料、文献研究、

图表分析和对比分析等方法进行个案研究, 对乡镇政府职能、村委会工作任务、村民自治问题以及对乡村关系和社会主义 新农村的认识等方面进行调查分析. 研究表明,新时期乡村关系由于社会主义新农村建设这个新变量的注入, 发生了重心转移,主要表现在村委会对乡镇政府的依附性增强、乡镇政府职能 改革不到位、新农村建设主体意识缺乏、村民自治能力较弱、村干部整体素质 有待提高等方面,而乡镇政府与村委会之间的种种矛盾根源于现行的行政体制、 财政体制、党政关系和村民自治制度本身等原因. 通过调查分析笔者认为,对于大多数的农业型乡镇而言,未来相当长时期 内,改善新时期乡村关系仍然需要政府的强力介入和推进,应通过建立政府主 导与农民本位相结合的新农村建设模式,深入推进乡镇政府职能转变,加大对 新农村建设的财力支持,培育民间经济组织,加大对村民和村干部的培训,加 强基层组织建设,发挥党的领导核心作用,从而实现新农村建设的预期目标. 关键词:新时期,乡镇政府,村委会,关系 重庆大学硕士学位论文 英文摘要 II ABSTRACT China'

s village relationship under the autonomy of villagers has become the focus of attention of scholars at home and abroad since rural reform of 1980s. Since the 16th CPC Congress, building new socialist countryside, rapid development of urbanization and industrialization, steady forward of harmonized development in urban and rural areas, agricultural tax exemptions and gradual implement of other preferential agricultural policies initiated by the central government from top to bottom, a number of contradictions and constraints of rural relations in practice have also shown many new changes. Unreasonable mediation of village relationship, not only constrains the effective implementation of township government administrative functions and the healthy development of villager autonomy, and threats to social stability and rural development, but also directly influences the process of building new rural areas and the results of implementation. Two towns (Hanwang, Mianyuan) of Mianzhu city in Sichuan province are chosen, which are quite different from economic development, rural construction, culture, and demographic and geographic environment. From aspects of current situation and substantive changes of relationship between the township government and the village committee since the implementation of building new socialist countryside, a case study on functions of township governments, and tasks of village committees, issues of autonomy of villagers, and understanding of rural relations and new socialist countryside has been carried out by questionnaire and interview survey, access to historical data, literature research, chart analysis, and comparison analysis. It is shown that the focus of village relationship at the new period has shifted because of the building new socialist countryside, as demonstrated by enhanced dependence of the village committee for the township government, not deep enough functions reform of township governments, lack of awareness of the new rural construction, weak capacity for villagers autonomy, and not high enough overall quality of village cadres and so on. The various contradictions between the township governments and village committees are rooted in the current administrative system, the financial system, the relationship between party and government, and the villager autonomy system itself and other reasons. Through investigation and analysis, it can be believed that to improve rural 重庆大学硕士学位论文 英文摘要 III relationship in the new period still needs strong government intervention and promotion for most of the agricultural township in the long-term future. By means of establishing government-led and farmers-participated mode of new countryside construction, deeply promoting functions transformation of township and government, enlarging financial support for building new rural areas, developing non-governmental economic organizations, intensifying the training of villagers and village cadres, strengthening grassroots organizations construction, and playing the role of party'
