编辑: 丑伊 2013-09-16
成报 Sing Pao 圣雅各回收 圣诞礼物赠长者 St.

James' Settlement collects recycled X'mas presents for elderly 圣诞节交换礼物,已成了不少人的指定动作,但 在金融海啸之下,生活在贫穷线以下的长者,又是否能 分享到这分节日的欢乐呢?有慈善团体便趁这普天同庆 的节日,带同回收的大批礼物,深入被人遗忘的角落, 送到一些有需要的人的手里,既响应环保,同时又为这 个寒冷的冬季注入一股暖流. 圣雅各福群会由2002年开始,便已推行「电器赠 长者」计划.计划的服务对象为60岁以上、领取综援 金的独居长者.计划的负责人陈炳麟表示,今个圣诞 已收集到300至400件礼物送给边境以及偏远地区的长 者. 「由於天气寒冷,我们收到的捐赠多以御寒衣物 为主,例如领巾、棉衣、冷帽,当中也有40至50部暖 风机以及十多部热水炉,由於计划无得到任何资助,所 以主要系靠捐献者的礼物,或用捐款来购买电器用品转 赠老人.」 70岁婆婆织百颈巾送老人 陈炳麟透露,参与计划的义工中还包括一个年过 70的婆婆,一个人织了100件颈巾送给边境的老人,令 他十分感动.他提到,受金融海啸影响,这几个月的捐 款比去年同期下跌了一半,因此呼吁关心长者的市民, 可致电81078324与圣雅各福群会联络.(随后报道已被 删除) Exchanging gifts has become a must-do activity during X'mas. But, under the financial tsunami have the destitute elderly the chance of sharing the joy of the festive season? Some charity organizations bring recycled gifts to the forgotten needy. In so doing, they support environmental protection and bring warmth to the recipients. Starting from 2002, St. James'Settlement has been operating the EAE Program. The targeted clients are those lone elderly aged

60 or over and receiving CSSA. The officer-in-charge, Mr. Chan Ping-lun, announced that St. James'has collected

300 to

400 gifts to give to the elderly who live at the city border or more remote areas. " Since the weather is cold, things that come to our collection are mainly items to keep warm such as : scarves, silk-cotton coats and woollen hats. There are

40 to

50 heaters and over

10 water- heaters. The EAE Program does not receive any governmental financing. It solely relies on gifts from donors or cash donations to buy electrical appliances in need. A 70-year-old lady knitted

100 scarves for the elderly Mr. Chan Ping-lun disclosed volunteers in the EAE Program include one elderly lady, over 70-year-old, who knitted

100 scarves for the elderly who live at the border of our city. Mr. Chan thought that was very touching. He mentioned that cash donations for the past months had dropped by 50% compared to the same period in 2007. He hopes that people who care for the elderly can contact St. James' Settlement for further information by dialling 8107-8324. (The remainder of the article was deleted.) Media Report 传媒报导 The EAE Program of St. James'Settlement has been operating for nearly

10 years. The Program can run smoothly due to two important facets - generous donations from benevolent people and assistance from devoted volunteers. Mr.Law Wing Hang, who joined the EAE Program voluntary services in 2003, helps with delivering electrical appliances and visiting. "Instead of staying home after work and on holiday, I choose to do something more meaningful. On one hand, I can help people, on the other hand the next generation can learn the poor side of Hong Kong. They will learn to appreciate things and not take for everything granted."At the onset of winter season, the weather was chilly. Mr. Law, realizing how difficult it would be for the destitute, helpless elderly, encouraged friends around him to co-organize with St. James'a 'Bring warmth Campaign'. The Campaign was first drafted up last November. After several discussions and modifications, the Campaign was put into practice on
