编辑: yn灬不离不弃灬 2013-07-18
Treating Arrhythmia 如何医治心律不整? Appointments and Enquiries 查询及预约 For further enquiries, please call us or visit our website.

如欲进一步查询,请致电与我们联络,或浏览本院网站. Telephone

电话: (852)

2835 0578 Email 电邮: heartctr@hkah.org.hk Website 网站: www.hkah.org.hk Hong Kong Adventist Hospital 香港港安医院Arrhythmia Center / Electrophysiology Laboratory 心律治疗中心暨电生理导管室彰显主爱 - 专业服务 个人关心 Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ - Professionally We Serve, Personally We Care Arrhythmia Center / Electrophysiology Laboratory Map 路线图 Hong Kong Adventist Hospital 香港港安医院 Address 地址 :

40 Stubbs Road, Hong Kong 香港司徒拔道40号Telephone 电话 :(852)

3651 8888 E-mail 电邮 :hkahinfo@hkah.org.hk Website 网站 :www.hkah.org.hk N-1410 Bus 巴士 Minibus 专线小巴 Taxi 计程车 6, 15,

66 76 41A,

63 19 Central Bus Station 中环巴士总站 Causeway Bay 铜锣湾 North Point 北角 Siu Sai Wan 小西湾 5,

26 24M Causeway Bay 铜锣湾 Admiralty 金钟 Available to and from the front entrance of Hospital 乘计程车可直达本院大门前 Parking 停车场 Parking is available for a fee for patients and visitors 本院设有收费停车场予病人及其家属使用 司徒拔道司徒拔道黄泥涌峡道宝云道回旋处 浅水湾跑马地山顶 湾仔 R e p u l s e B a y Happy Valley Peak Wan Chai

26 * Taxi & Minibus

26 are available to and from front entrance of hospital. 乘计程车及专线小巴26号可直达本院大门前 There is a wide range of effective treatments available, depending on the diagnosis of arrhythmia. 心律不整的治疗方法有很多,视乎病症类型而定. 如欲了解详情,并拟定个人化的最佳疗法,请向医生查询. 导管消融术 随 这项技术迅速成熟,现已成为最常见和标准的治疗方法之 一.此项微创手术通常在局部麻醉下进行,以导管进入心室, 利用导管末端的电极找出导致心脏不正常跳动的部分,然后纠 正.其优点在於可应付多种心律不整,且成功率高,长远还有 望摆脱药物治疗. 植入仪器 心脏除颤器、起搏器或心脏再同步治疗装置一般植入於病人胸 口,透过可调控的电脉冲刺激心脏,纠正心跳节奏,藉此改善 心脏功能,减低猝死的风险. 药物治疗 用药虽然未能根治心律不正,但有助减少心跳过快的问题发作, 或於发作时减慢心路. Catheter Ablation Rapidly advancing and one of the most common treatments used, catheter ablation is a minimally invasive surgery usually performed under local anaesthesia. The catheter with an electrode at its tip locates the damaged or affected heart area and corrects the condition. The benefit of this treatment is its flexibility to treat various types of arrhythmia and its high success rate. Depending on the patient's condition, long-term medication may no longer be required following this treatment. Device Therapy By delivering a controlled electric shock to the heart, devices such as ICD, pacemakers, and defibrillators "shock" the heart back to a normal heart rhythm, improve heart function, and prevent sudden cardiac death. Often, the electronics are implanted into the patient's chest. Arrhythmia Center / Electrophysiology Laboratory Medications Although medication will not cure the condition, it may reduce episodes of tachycardia or slow down the heartbeat when an episode occurs. For further details or information on the best treatment for your condition, please consult your doctor. What is Arrhythmia? 甚麽是心律不整? Any kind of irregular heartbeat is known as arrhythmia, such as when the heart beats too fast (heart rate of over
