编辑: 无理的喜欢 2013-04-26
12 July/August

2010 ? paper ASIA COUNTRY FOCUS 国家聚焦 The landscape of the Chinese pulp and paper industry is likely to change due to planned changes in government policies announced by the Chinese government regarding capacity closures and tax rebates.

The Chinese pulp and paper industry was caught by surprise when the authorities recently announced that it may close some 4.32 million tpa of pulp, paper and board capacity by the fourth quarter due to environmental concerns. In May, the Chinese government announced a planned crack down on facilities whose wastewater has a chemical oxygen demand (COD) level of more than

150 mg per litre. The mills violation this limit will be forced to close down and once enforced, the move would result to the shutdown of more than

4 million tpy of paper, board and nonwood pulp capacity, a huge increase from the original goal of 530,000 tpa set out just a couple of months ago. It is not the first time that the Chinese authorities have targeted polluting mills. Similar measures have been enforced in the past, such as when the Chinese government closed down several factories in the lead up to the Beijing Olympics two years ago. Some industry players are predicting that, similar to what happened during the Beijing Olympic crack down, the bulk of the closures will come in the printing/writing paper and cartonboard sectors, affecting mostly inefficient small and medium-sized mills producing low-grade paper and board using nonwood pulp and recovered fibre as furnish since the By 由Amorvida Muyrong 中国纸浆和造纸工业: 储藏的大变化 Chinesepulpand paperindustry:Big changesinstore ProposedchangesingovernmentpoliciesinChina regarding capacity closures and tax rebates are likely to change the landscape of theChinese pulp and paper industry. 中国对产量封锁和税收回扣提出政策改变是有可能改变 中国纸浆和造纸行业的格局. 中国纸浆和造纸行业的格局有所变化是因为中国政府宣 布对产量封锁和税收回扣的政策作出改变. 当局最近宣布由于环境问题可能会在第四季度关闭约 4320000万吨的纸浆、纸和纸板的生产量使中国纸浆和造纸行 业措手不及. 今年5月份,中国政府宣布了一项计划专打击每公升废水 具有化学需氧量(COD)超过150毫克水平的设施.所有违反 此限制的工厂将被迫关闭,一旦执行纸、纸板和非木材纸浆 的年产量将减少超过400万吨哪将是几个月前原本目标每年53 万吨的大幅增加. 已经不是第一次中国当局针对工厂的污染.在以往类似的 措施已经执行,例如前两年当中国政府率先北京奥运会时已 关闭几家工厂. 一些行内人士预测是类似北京奥运期间所发生的取缔,大 部分的关闭将发生在印刷/书写纸和折叠纸板工业,主要会影 响效率不高并生产低级纸张和使用非木浆纸浆及回收纤维作 为纸板装设的小中型厂商因为该国的主要设施有较完善又环 保性质的新机器.一些市场分析师表示这项政策实际上将帮 助中国该行业整合和带来更多新的生产能力. 此举是在中国造纸和纸板生产量最高峰时同步进行.根据 两国2009年国家协会的数字,事实上,中国已经超越美国成 为世界最大的造纸国. 根据中国造纸协会(CPA),在去年中国的纸和纸板(P&


B总消 费却增长了8%高达每年85690000万吨. 根据美国林业及纸业协会的统计资料,在2009年美国的总 产量高达7838.5万短吨.但美国的人均消费量是比较高地, paper ASIA ? July/August
