编辑: Cerise银子 2013-04-22

midea.com 24h服务 热线 免长途 400-8899-315 通讯地址 : 苏州市相城经济开发区漕湖大道39号 邮政编码 :

215000 C3 ( VC1707 ) 执行标准 : GB4706.7-2014 / GB4706.1-2005 / GB4343.1-2009 / GB17625.1-2012 版本号 : VC170710-06-R1.2 江苏美的清洁电器股份有限公司 www.midea.com 24h HOT LINE FREE 400-8899-315 Address: No.39 Caohu Avenue, Xiangcheng Economic Development Zone, Suzhou Post:

215000 Executive standard : GB4706.7-2014 / GB4706.1-2005 / GB4343.1-2009 / GB17625.1-2012 Version No. : VC170710-06-R1.2 Jiangsu Midea Cleaning Appliance Co.,Ltd 使用产品前请仔细阅读本说明书,并请妥善保管 Please read this Instruction Manual carefully before operating, and keep it properly. 产品介绍 Product Introduction 目录 Contents

3 Product Introduction Product Operation Product Maintenance Trouble Shooting Safety Introduction Warranty information

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10 12 产品介绍 使用说明 维护保养 异常处理 安全说明 保修须知

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2 主机 软管 伸缩金属管 主地刷 三合一毛刷 Main body Hose Extension tube Main brush Three-in-one brush

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5 4 使用说明 Product Operation Remove the ?lter cotton for cleaning:Open the dust cup, remove the ?lter cotton and clean it. 01. 打开尘杯:向上轻提上盖释放按钮即可打开尘杯盖. Open the dust cup:Gently lift the dust cup open button, and then lift up to open the dust cup cover. 02. 取出过滤绵清洁:打开尘杯后提出过滤绵并清洁即可. Please slowly take up the cord, to avoid the power cord or power plug bruising human body or furniture in the process of taking up. 请缓慢收线,避免电源线或电源插头在收线过程中打伤人体或家具. 注意 Caution 尘杯维护保养 Dust cup maintenance 产品使用 Product Use Product Maintenance Dust cup cleaning 维护保养 尘杯清洁 拉出电源线连接电源:当看到电源线红色标记时, 请不要再向外拉电源线. 按下开关按钮 : 控制吸尘器的启动与停止. 调节吸力 : 转动调速旋钮调节吸力大小.对于地毯 和地板,使用大吸力;

对于窗帘、桌布等物品时, 使用小吸力. 按下收线按钮 : 电源线自动卷回机身内. 01. 02. 03. 04. 打开尘杯 清洁过滤棉 01. 卸下尘杯:按下尘杯释放键,轻轻提拉 尘杯提手,取出尘杯. 02. 倾倒垃圾:轻按倒尘按钮,倾倒垃圾. Dump the garbage:Tap the dust dumping button to dump the garbage. 卸下尘杯 Remove the dust cup 按下 Push 按下 Push Open the dust cup Clean the ?lter cotton 拉出

1 Pull

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4 Pull out the power cord to connect the power supply:When you see the red mark on the power cord, do not pull the power cord outward. Press the ON/OFF button : Control the start and stop of the vacuum cleaner. Adjust the suction : Adjust the suction magni- tude by rotating the knob.Use large suction for carpets and ?ooring . Use smallsuction for curtains, tablecloths and other items. Remove the dust cup:Press the dust cup release button, gently lift the grip of dust cup and remove the dust cup. Press the take up button : The power cord is automatically rolled back into the machine.

7 6 03. 过滤芯拆卸, 过滤芯清洗:向上提出滤芯,将滤芯放在水龙头下冲洗即可. Filter disassembly and cleaning:Raise the ?lter and remove the ?lter cover, put the ?lter under the faucet for washing. 1.The ?lter parts can be put back for use only after being cleaned and dried. It is recommended to have sun exposure for
