编辑: 会说话的鱼 2013-04-12
Hong Kong is a city in Asia where the gap between the rich and poor is huge and the government has predicted the financial tsunami will bring further damages to the economy, unemployment will rise and the economic situation is even worse than during SARS period.

At a time with little let up on inflation and the free falling stock market, it makes our work to raise money for the '

Charitable Services'

doubly difficult. Starting from end August when the Lehman Brother fiasco and the financial tsunami first appeared, monetary donation and in kind have taken a steep dive. The October stock market crash has further aggravated the situation. Arecentcallfromoneofourdonorssaid, Yourserviceismeaningful in helping those in difficulty, but the worsening economic situation has forced me to suspend our support to you until my financial position has improved. Monthly inquiries from our donors have shrink to just a few and as one of my colleague said, We are entering the ice age at a time while requests for help is in peak demand. Some of my friends are worried that our Charitable Service might have to come to an end when resources run out. I am of the opinion that at times of dire difficulty;

we must keep our services up. If we were forced to pull out now, what could happen to our beneficiary as the authority has all along been ignoring them and we will be discarding our duty as a social worker. Hence we must try our very best to shoulder such responsibilities. Have you noticed that at this time of '

great economic downturn'

we are introducing more new'

Charitable Services'

including expanding the scope of power subsidy, flashing door bell (for the deaf), medication and travel subsidies, sending warmth activity, bringing medication coaching and training to the door. We still want to provide hope and warmth to the disadvantaged in hours of dire difficulties. So while you are planning for your Christmas activities, please do not forget to let the poor and helpless sharing your joy for the festivity. Social Worker'

s Remark 社工的话 Never let '

Resources run out'

奋力不让 「粮尽」而告终 由於香港是亚洲城市中贫富悬殊程度最严重的地区, 加上港府预告全球金融海啸将进一步破坏社会经济,失业率 低及经济状况追逾「沙士」,以及股灾带来社会经济的衰退 现象,与通胀未见回落之际,对我们赖善长捐款及捐赠的「 慈惠服务」,可说是雪上加霜,艰难中更见艰辛劳乏. 无论善长的善款或捐赠,自本年8月尾旬雷曼事件及金 融海啸初露时,已开始呈滑水式下落,加上10月的股灾再 临后,我们所得获善长的捐赐更每况日下. 正如一位善长致电笔者时说:「你们的服务虽然有意 义,直接了当帮到困苦的人,但经济唔好,我只有暂停对你 们的支持,待环境改善后,才重来帮忙.」此正见证笔者每 月接获善长的来电查询,可以用「寥寥无几」来形容;

也正 如同工们说:「捐赐己进入冰河期,但求助个案开始呈高峰 期.」 有朋友担心我们的「慈惠服务」将会因「粮尽」而告 终.笔者反认为,经济衰退,社会困境日盛之时,正正需要 「慈惠服务」继续营运下去,因为作为「解困 解忧」及扶 助弱势社群的服务事工,既然早已被当局漠视於福利政策资 助之列,若我们於此逆境艰难困苦时期退出,岂不是有违社 会工作者的职份,我们更须竭尽全力,肩负责任,益发奋力 努力工作. 善长有否留意我们於此「经济大衰退」时期,加量及 推出一些新的「慈惠服务」,包括:扩大电费资助的对象 及围、闪灯门钟(失聪人士应门钟)、赠药治病、诊病交通 支援计划、送暖行动、到户药疗辅导及教育活动等事工;
