编辑: kieth 2013-02-27
香港电台图片 RTHK photo 香港电台图片 RTHK photo 与时并进 To Move with the Times Customer Satisfaction Survey A customer satisfaction survey on fire-fighting and rescue services with a view to enhancing the quality of our services to the public had been completed.

The consultancy report is being studied. Paramedic Services Quality Assurance System The Paramedic Services Quality Assurance System was fully implemented in August

2010 to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of quality assurance activities of paramedic ambulance service. It is a newly acquired computer-aided assessment tool to monitor the clinical performance of paramedics. All electronic Ambulance Journey Record completed by frontline ambulance personnel are computed by the system for the determination of protocol compliance based on the pre-set rules in accordance with the paramedical protocols. The system has facilitated frontline officers in reviewing the Ambulance Journey Records and highlighted those cases with protocol activation. 顾客服务意见调查 本处就灭火及救援服务进行顾客服务意见调查,以便向市 民提供更优质的服务.有关调查已经完成,本处现正研究 顾问报告. 辅助医疗服务质素保证系统 辅助医疗服务质素保证系统已於二零一零年八月全面推 行,以改善辅助医疗救护服务质素保证工作的效率及成 效.这个新购置的电脑辅助评估工具,可监察辅助医疗 人员的临床表现.前线救护人员输入的所有救护车出勤电 子记录会经电脑运算,并对照根ㄖ搅瞥淌蕉┑募 定规则,从而确定医疗程式是否已予遵守.这个系统有助 前线人员审阅救护车出勤记录,并凸显已采用医疗程式的 个案. e-Ambulance Journey Record An electronic Ambulance Journey Record (e-AJR) System is a computerised system designed for documenting patients'

data through electronic means with a view to substituting traditional hand writing ambulance journey record. The e-AJR system provides a digital platform for capturing important patient data for analysis and enhances the Paramedic Services Quality Assurance Scheme. The new system was fully implemented in mid-2010. Medical Priority Dispatch System The Government has planned to implement a Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS) with a view to providing more effective ambulance response to people in critical need. The outcome of a public consultation showed that most of the respondents agreed that ambulance responses should be prioritised in accordance with the degree of urgency of the calls. In view of the public'

s general support for the principles and broad framework of the MPDS, the Department has started exploring the way of enhancing emergency ambulance services in line with the above principles. 救护车出勤电子记录 救护车出勤电子记录系统透过电脑化设备,输入伤病者的 资料,以取代传统手写出勤记录的做法.这个系统提供数 码化平台,备存重要的伤病者资料,以供进行分析,并有 助优化辅助医疗服务质素保证系统.新系统已於二零一零 年年中全面使用. 救护车调派分级制 政府拟於本港推行救护车调派分级制,目的是为最有需要 的伤病者提供更快捷有效的紧急救护服务.公众谘询的结 果显示,大部分回应者都同意,应按照召唤的紧急程度, 订定调派救护车的优先次序. 由於公众普遍支持救护车调派分级制的原则及主要框架, 本处已着手探讨改善紧急救护服务以配合上述的原则. 救护人员在救护车内透过救护车出勤 电子记录输入病人资料 Ambulance personnel inputs e-ambulance journey record inside an ambulance 香港电台图片 RTHK photo
