编辑: GXB156399820 2013-01-06
育达商业技术学院企业管理研究所 硕士论文 非营利组织国际化策略之研究― 以慈济与佛光山为例 The Study of International Strategy in Non Profit Organazition - Take Tzu Chi and Fo Guang Shan for Example 研究生s戴美华 指导教授s何培基 博士 中华民国 九十六 年七月非营利组织国际化策略之研究- 以慈济与佛光山为例 研究生:戴 美华Student :Tai Mei Hua 指导教授:何 培基Advisor :Dr.

Ho Pei Chih 育达商业技术学院 企业管理研究所 硕士论文 A Thesis Submitted to Department of Business Administration Yu Da College of Business in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration July

2007 Taiwan, R.O.C. 中华民国九十六年七月 The Study of International Strategy in Non Profit Organazition -Take Tzu Chi and Fo Guang Shan for Example

1 iv 非营利组织国际化策略之研究- 以慈济与佛光山为例 研究生:戴 美华指导教授:何 培基育达商学技术学院企业管理研究所 摘要非营利部门、政府部门和企业部门合称为社会的三大部门.台湾自从经济起 飞与政府宣布解严以来,在经济富足与政治解放之双重因素影响下,人民生活愈 来愈富足、社会文化也愈来愈多元,促使非营利组织如雨后春笋般繁茂起来.伴 随著非营利组织的蓬勃发展,一方面展现出旺盛的活力,另一方面也代表其竞争 环境愈来愈激烈.其中不乏经营不善关门大吉者;

也有如慈济与佛光山等机构经 营得有声有色,并在国际舞台上发光发热者. 本研究采用质性研究法,以文献研究法为主、个案研究法为辅.主要研究目 的有下列四点:


2、海外进入模式如何有效 运用在慈济与佛光山;


4、发展相关的 命题,供其他非营利组织参考. 证严上人於

1966 年成立慈济,星云大师於

1967 年创办佛光山.本文选定国 际化策略极为成功的慈济与佛光山作为研究的个案,探究这两个宗教慈善团体如 何能在经过不到半个世纪的时间内跃升为世界注目的慈善团体,并且让台湾在备 受打压的政治空间,走出台湾、放眼国际、开辟出另一个天地. 关键字:非营利、国际化、策略、慈济、佛光山 v The Study of International Strategy in Non Profit Organazition -Take Tzu Chi and Fo Guang Shan for Example Student : Tai Mei Hua Advisor : Dr.Ho Pei Chih Graduate School of Business Administration Yu Da College of Business ABSTRACT Non-profit department, government department and enterprise department are three major parts in our society. Since our government claimed to relief the politics and the economic took-off, due to the double influence of the rich economy and the liberal politics in Taiwan, people are richer and social culture is more diversified, All these factors impel nonprofit organization to be luxuriant like the mushrooms after the rain. Following the flourishing development of nonprofit organizations, on one hand shows vigorous, it is fiercer and fiercer to even represent its competitions received on the other hand. Some of them can'

t manage well and need to be shut down, but some of them can manage very well and just like a super star in the international stage such as Tzu Chi and Fo Guang Shan. This research adopts the qualitative analysis. There are four main purposes in the research:1. what'

s the motivation of Tzu Chi internationalization and Fo Guang Shan internationalization;
