编辑: lqwzrs 2012-12-19

50 种土豆产品.小吃爱好者们正在抢购这些产品,超市货架也被一抢而 空.由于担心进口马铃薯带来疾病,日本法律限制用于生产其它食品的进口马铃薯数量.日本仍然只 从美国的部分州进口马铃薯.然而,全球变暖使得日本国内产品更可能受到罕见天气的严重影响. 【参考答案句】 5. Potato chips in Japan are being sold for 6X their normal price. This is after the country'

s main manufacturer stopped sales due to a potato shortage. Storms and floods and its main potato growing region last year caused the worst harvest and more than

3 decades. 6. Japan says fear of disease is its main reason to block fresh imports. 7. But global warming has raised the possibility that domestic produce could be seriously affected by rare weather events more often. 【解析】 本篇新闻从日本的薯片价格异常高涨入手,讲述了日本去年遭遇洪水和风暴等自然灾害,及其限制马 铃薯进口的原因,最后阐明全球变暖可能带来的严重影响.第一题考查日本所面临的问题,考生可根 据关键词定位到新闻的前两句,并得出答案.第二题考查日本限制进口马铃薯的原因,根据关键词 reason 定位到答案句.最后一题考查可能影响到日本国内产品的因素,答案出现在文末,即 global warming . Conversation

1 Question 8: What does the man think of Mr. Brown'

s lectures? 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ Question 9: What does the woman do during Mr. Brown'

s lectures? Question 10: Why does the woman draw in class? Question 11: What does the woman say about reading out loud? 【对话主旨】 对话中的男士表示布朗先生的讲座非常无聊,他即使认真听讲也无法集中注意力,并向女士询问上课 不走神的方法.女士表示不停得做笔记能帮助自己集中注意力,并且更有效得学习.她表示做笔记确 保自己能跟上教授的讲座.有时候为了不走神,她也涂涂画画,让自己的大脑保持活跃.最后,女士 提到大声朗读和做笔记一样,能有效帮助记忆信息. 【参考答案句】 8. Mr. Brown'

s lectures are so boring. 9. What I do is keep my pen moving. 10. You draw in class and that helps me pay attention. It can keep the mind active, prevent getting bored and help to concentrate 11. It has a similar effect to writing by hand. It helps memorize information in a physical way. 【解析】 该对话难度较低,内容简单.这段对话中,女士只要负责回答如何在课上集中注意力,因此,重点因 落在女士的回答上.第一题考查男士对讲座的感受,出现在对话的第一句.第二题考查女士集中注意 力的方式,是保持做笔记.第三题考查在课上做笔记的益处,即帮助女士保持大脑活跃,集中注意力 等.最后一题考查大声朗读的益处,答案出现在对话最后一句,即帮助记忆信息. Conversation

2 Question 12: For what purpose did the woman go to India? Question 13: Why was the Taj Mahal built? 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ Question 14: What does the woman say about the Taj Mahal? Question 15:What is the woman'

s impression of Indian cities? 【主旨内容】 对话中的女士去印度的泰姬陵度蜜月, 男士询问其假期后对印度的印象.女士表示泰姬陵的背后有个 非常浪漫的爱情故事, 印度的一位国王为纪念其难产而死的爱妻而建造了泰姬陵.泰姬陵是个美丽的 旅游胜地,建筑物高耸入云,白墙环绕,有些城墙甚至还镶嵌着珠宝.对话后半段,女士提到印度十 分拥挤,交通不便,但是当地的居民十分友好,文化灿烂,食物多样且美味. 【参考答案句】 12. We went there about ten years ago for our honeymoon. 13.The Emperor loved........
