编辑: xwl西瓜xym 2012-12-05

2018 年清华大学国际学生(本科)招生专业类目录

2018 Undergraduate Divisions for International Students of Tsinghua University 招生专业类 Divisions 相关院系 Schools/Departments 专业方向 Programs/Majors

09 数理类 Mathematics, Physics and Modern Engineering 数学科学系 Department of Mathematical Sciences 数学与应用数学 Pure and Applied Mathematics 物理系 Department of Physics 物理学 Physics 航天航空学院 School of Aerospace Engineering 航空航天类(含工程力学、航空航 天工程、能源与动力工程) Aerospace Engineering (Engineering Mechanics, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Energy and Power Engineering) 材料学院 School of Materials Science and Engineering 材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering

10 化生类 Chemistry and Life Science 化学系 Department of Chemistry 化学 Chemistry 生命科学学院 School of Life Sciences 生物科学 Biological Science 药学院 School of Pharmaceutical Science 药学 Pharmaceutical Science 化学工程系 Department of Chemical Engineering 化学工程与工业生物工程 Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biological Engineering 高分子材料与工程 Polymer Materials and Engineering 生物医学工程系 Department of Biomedical Engineering 生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering

11 经济、金融 与管理类 Economics, Finance and Management 经济管理学院 School of Economics and Management 经济与金融(国际班) Economics and Finance (International Program) 会计学 Accounting 信息管理与信息系统 Information Management and Information Systems

12 人文与 社会类 Humanities and Social Sciences 人文学院 School of Humanities 汉语言文学 Chinese Language and Literature 历史学 History 哲学 Philosophy 社会科学学院 School of Social Sciences 社会学 Sociology 经济学 Economics 国际政治 International Politics 国际政治(国际事务与全球治理) International Politics (International Affairs and Global Governance) 心理学 Psychology 外国语言文学系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 英语 English Language 日语 Japanese Language 新闻与传播学院 School of Journalism and Communication 新闻学 Journalism

13 法学类 Law 法学院 School of Law 法学 Law

14 艺术类 Arts 美术学院 Academy of Arts and Design 美术学类 Fine Arts 设计学类 Design 艺术史论 Art History

15 文理通识类 Liberal Arts 新雅书院 Xinya College (A Residential Liberal Arts College) 备注: 1.



大二开始,进入相关院系进行专业学习. 2. 各专业类介绍、专业确认方式和时间详见:http://join-tsinghua.edu.cn/publish/bzw/7551/index.html NOTE: 1. Tsinghua recruits international students of undergraduate programs by division. Students will take courses according to division's curriculum for the first academic year. By the end of the first academic year, the specific programs/majors will be confirmed. In the second academic year, students enter the relevant schools/departments for major study. 2. For details of each division, confirmation method and timing of specific programs/majors, please refer to the following website: http://join-tsinghua.edu.cn/publish/bzw/7551/index.html
