编辑: 梦里红妆 2019-09-01
China Heritage Quarterly, No.

6 (June 2006) Great Wall Bibliography (III) ? China Heritage Quarterly www.chinaheritagequarterly.org College of Asia and the Pacific The Australian National University Authors L-N Lan Yong 蓝勇, Zhongguo lishi dili xue 中国历史地理学 (Chinese historical geography), Beijing: Gaodeng Jiaoyu Chubanshe 高 等教育出版社, 2002. Li Bingcheng 李并成, '

Han Lingjucheng ji qi fujin Han changcheng yizhi de diaocha yu kaozheng'

汉令居城及其附近汉长 城遗址的调查与考证 (A survey and textual study of the Han dynasty Lingjucheng and the adjacent ruins of the Han dynasty Great Walls), Changcheng xuekan 长城学刊 (Great wall studies), 1991, issue no. 1. Li Bingcheng 李并成, Hexi zoulang lishi dili 河西走廊历史地理 (The historical geography of the Hexi corridor), Lanzhou: Gansu Renmin Chubanshe 甘肃人民出版社, 1995. Li Bingcheng 李并成, '

Hexi zoulang xibu Han changcheng yiji jiqi xiangguan wenti kao'

河西走廊西部汉长城遗迹及其相关问题考 (Sites of the Great Walls of the Han dynasty in the western Hexi corridor and related issues), Dunhuang yanjiu 敦煌研究 (Dunhuang research), 1995:2, pp 135-145. Li Bingcheng 李并成, '

Hexi zoulang dongbu xin faxian de yitiao Han changcheng: Han Xuci xian zhi Aowei xian duan changcheng kaocha'

河西走廊东部新发现的一条汉长城: 汉T次县至媪围县段长城考察 (The recent discovery of a section of the Han dynasty Great Walls in the eastern part of the Hexi corridor: A survey of the section of wall from Xuci to Aowei counties), Dunhuang yanjiu 敦煌研究 (Dunhuang research), 1996:4, pp 129-131, 112. Li Fangzhun 李方准, '

Changcheng xue yanjiu de yici shenghui: Shoujie changcheng guoji xueshu yantaohui gaishu'

长城学研究 的一次盛会: 首届长城国际学术研讨会概述 (A celebration of research in Great Walls studies: A summary of the 1st international conference of Great Walls studies), Wenshi zhishi 文史知识 (Chinese literature and history), 1995:3, pp 50-57. Li Guangsheng 李光盛, '

Wumeng Zhuozixian Zhanguo Zhao changcheng diaocha'

乌盟卓资县战国赵长城调查 (A survey of the Zhao Great Walls of the Warring States period in Zhuozi county, Wumeng), Neimenggu wenwu kaogu 内蒙古文物考古 (Inner Mongolian cultural relics and archaeology), 1994:2, pp 21-24. Li Hongbin 李鸿宾, '

Changcheng guoji xueshu yantaohui neirong gaishu'

长城国际学术研讨会内容综述 (A general outline of the content of the International Great Wall Studies Conference) Zhongguo shi yanjiu dong tai 中国史研究动态 (Trends in studies of Chinese history) 1994:12, pp 13-16. Li Jiancai 李健才, '

Dongbei diqu zhongbu de biangang he yanbian changcheng'

东北地区中部的边岗和延边长城 (Border mounds in the central part of north-eastern China and the Yanbian Great Walls), Liaohai wenwu xuekan 辽海文物学刊 (Liaohai cultural relics journal), 1987:1, pp 102-107. Li Jiancai 李健才, '

Tangdai Gaogouli changcheng he Fuyucheng'

唐代高句丽长城和扶余城 (The Tang dynasty Gaogouli Great Walls and Fuyucheng), Minzu yanjiu 民族研究 (Ethno-national studies), 1991:4, pp 49-55. Li Junming 李均明, '

Yinshan diqu changcheng diaocha'

阴山地 区长城调查 (A survey of Great Walls in the Yinshan region), Zhongguo wenwubao 中国文物报 (China cultural relics news),

12 August 1988. Li Lin 李U, '
