编辑: cyhzg 2019-08-28

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5 目录 编者的话 前言 Unit

4 '

On the part of'

和 '

On behalf of'


5 某些语意的削弱 Unit

6 For example 和 Such as Unit

20 被动语态 地道英文怎样写( HOW TO WRITE REAL ENGLISH)

2 编者的话 许多中国学生在学习英语写作时,常感到难以下笔,句子结构不清,缺乏语言词汇,不知道 如何正确运用自己所学的英语知识,写书符合英语语言习惯的文章.

Paul先生根据在中国教 授英语写作期间积累的大量经验,根据中国学生在英语写作时常犯的错误,用针对性的设计 了大量练习.本书归纳总结了这些练习,重点放在习惯及固定用法的详解上 学习者只要按照 详解,完成练习即可快速提高英语写作水平,堪称英语写作魔书. 在本书的编写过程中,为符合中国学生的习惯,文中提到的语法名称,改用了中国学生习惯 的提法,如从句、时态等.详解中增加了不少易于理解的解释,深入浅出,帮助读者掌握语 言相关知识. 本书大量的练习针对性非常强,无论是从语言结构、语法、句型、习惯用法上讲都是最精 炼,最常用的,因此可以保证学习者通过这些练习迅速提高英语运用能力、迅速增加可用词 汇量(即不仅是看得懂的,也会使用的词),同时英语句型结构会更加清晰,惯用法会更熟 悉,因而可以顺利地进行英语写作. 我们衷心希望该书能给广大读者以帮助,希望你们喜欢这些练习,喜欢这本书. 地道英文怎样写( HOW TO WRITE REAL ENGLISH)

3 编者的话 PERFACE Repetition of patterns is probably the fastest and easiest way to pick up the grammar and syntax of a language, as well as s peculiarities of idiom and style. It is also fun, especially as the student becomes familiar with the patterns. The exercises, or games in this book were developed from my experience of teaching third level students and editing academic texts in China. They are for students whose ability in English writing is well developed but who need some extra work to make their writing read naturally. Students, enjoy these '


and after each of them, form plenty of your own sentences using the principle illustrated in the game. Check your sentences with your teacher. I have kept my own comments as short as possible so you can get straight into the games, but if your get stuck, look again at the comments at the head of the game, and the answer should come more easily. Teachers, I suggest you develop your own drills based on what you find in your students'

written work. It is a great way to present grammar etc as feedback on what they are already doing. Get them to form their own sentences based on the rules exemplified in the drills-you might be surprised at how quickly they pick up on the ideas. My thanks to my former colleagues and students at Zhanjiang Ocean University who gave me many of the ideas for this book. Special thanks to Barbara Kieser, whose encouragement and support has been critical throughout. Thanks to Dr John Milton, my former colleague at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, whose pioneering work in Chinese interlanguage really pointed me in the right direction and helped me to categorize the issues that needed to be addressed in this work;

also to the professors whose papers I edited at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and whose work was another important stimulus for this book. Finally, my sincere thanks to Xunwen He of Anhui Science and Technology Publishing, who made my dream of writing for Chinese students become a reality. by Paul Flynn 地道英文怎样写( HOW TO WRITE REAL ENGLISH)
