编辑: yyy888555 2019-08-28
阿丽拉体验 Alila Experience Alila Experience 阿丽拉体验 阿丽拉休闲礼宾团队带你探索发现绝美安吉的魅力所在.

我们为你精心策划多种不同主题的体验活动,让你全方位感受 阿丽拉的四季之美: ALILA EXPERIENCE Explore the charm and beauty of Anji with the warm assistance of our Alila Leisure Concierge team.The Alila Experience at Alila Anji comprises the following activities: ? 乡间休闲骑行 BICYCLING INTHE COUNTRY ? 动动小手,精彩无限 LITTLE CRAFTSMEN ? 今日你下厨 YOU ARETHE CHEF! ? 晨间太极 MORNINGTAI CHI ? 调试鸡尾酒 COCKTAIL MAKING ? 白茶采摘 ANJI WHITETEATOUR C 春季活动,每年预计3-5月Seasonal Experience from March to May ? 盛夏漂流季 GO RAFTING C 夏季活动,每年预计6-9月Seasonal Experience from June to September ? 板栗采摘 CHESTNUT PICKING C 秋季活动,每年预计9-10月Seasonal Experience from September to October ? 冬日馈赠 WINTER LARGESS C 冬季活动,每年预计11-次年1月Seasonal Experience from November to January 春季 SPRING 夏季 SUMMER 秋季 AUTUMN 冬季 WINTER 乡间休闲骑行 BICYCLING INTHE COUNTRY 乡间休闲骑行 BICYCLING INTHE COUNTRY 乡间休闲骑行 BICYCLING INTHE COUNTRY 乡间休闲骑行 BICYCLING INTHE COUNTR 动动小手,精彩无限 LITTLE CRAFTSMEN 动动小手,精彩无限 LITTLE CRAFTSMEN 动动小手,精彩无限 LITTLE CRAFTSMEN 动动小手,精彩无限 LITTLE CRAFTSMEN 晨间太极 MORNINGTAI CHI 晨间太极 MORNINGTAI CHI 晨间太极 MORNINGTAI CHI 晨间太极 MORNINGTAI CHI 今日你下厨 YOU ARETHE CHEF! 今日你下厨 YOU ARETHE CHEF! 今日你下厨 YOU ARETHE CHEF! 今日你下厨 YOU ARETHE CHEF! 白茶采摘 ANJI WHITETEA TOUR - 每年预计3-5月Seasonal Experience from March to May 盛夏漂流季 GO RAFTING - 每年预计6-9月Seasonal Experience from June to September 板栗采摘 CHESTNUT PICKING - 每年预计9-10月Seasonal Experience from September to October 冬日馈赠 WINTER LARGESS - 每年预计11-次年1月Seasonal Experience from November to January 活动日历 ALILA EXPERIENCE CALENDAR 乡间休闲骑? 每位每小时收取80元,如需酒店员工带领骑行,每小时加收100元 每日早晨7点至傍晚5点 需提前24?时预订 租?辆我们的?地???,再拿上?张骑?路线指南图,去打破惯 例,另辟蹊径.你会发现安吉乡间宁静怡?的翠意和清新洁净的空 ?是最?的休闲享受.同时我们还将为您准备美味的?物供您在骑 ?期间享?.如需休闲礼宾部?员陪同,我们的休闲礼宾部还会为 您精?准备阿丽拉休闲?品包. 价格以人民币计价, 另加收10%服务费及6%增值税 BICYCLING IN THE COUNTRY CNY80 per person per hour, additional CNY100 per hour guided ride From 7.00am - 5.00pm

24 hours advance booking required Well off the beaten track, Anji'

s serene, green location and fresh clean air make for a relaxing cycle through the countryside. Hire one of our mountain bikes and grab a map featuring several cycling routes for you to follow. An extended ride with our Leisure Concierge comes with an Alila Snack Bag for your refreshment. All prices are in RMB, subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT. 动动小手,精彩无限 68元/每个家庭 (含2位大人1位小孩)含儿童饮品及手工材料 创意与顽皮是孩子们的天性,在这里,一切都由孩子们发挥想象. 拿起手边简单的材料,动手动脑,创造无限乐趣.爸爸妈妈们还可 以再胖陪同,和宝贝们共享亲子时光,共同创造欢乐时刻. 价格以人民币计价, 另加收10%服务费及6%增值税 LITTLE CRAFTSMEN CNY

68 per family (up to

2 adults and

1 child) including drinks and materials Kids, unleash your creativity and imagination! Come over to Play Alila, where we'

ve got some simple materials for you to DIY your most impressive artistic creations to bring home. Parents, you are also welcome to share in the fun with your little ones. All prices are in RMB, subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT. 今?你下厨 本地珍馐烹饪:348元/? 精选当地农家菜以及本地点?,在我们厨师的带领下烹饪可?本地 珍馐,在体验下厨之乐的同时品尝亲?烹饪的菜肴. 烹饪?能?:68元/?童 ?朋友们戴起厨师帽,穿起?围裙,和我们甜点房的厨师?起动? 制作卡通曲奇饼干和可爱的奶油蛋糕吧! 价格以??币计价, 另加收10%服务费及6%增值税 YOU ARE THE CHEF! Cooking class for adults: CNY

348 per person Guided by our chef, learn to recreate the flavours of Anji in a feast of local dishes. Savour every moment of the experience, and the delicious rewards of your efforts in the kitchen. Little cooking experts: CNY

68 per child Wearing your little chef'

s hat and apron, you'

ll look every inch the cooking expert, ready for our pastry chef to teach you how to bake cookies and make your own cake! All prices are in RMB, subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT. 晨间养生太极 周

二、周四及周六为免费体验日 体验时间段为早晨 8点30分至9点30分 其余时段需收取118元/人 需提前24小时预约 太极拳,国家级非物质文化遗产,集颐养性情、强身健体、技击对 抗等多种功能为一体.跟着阿丽拉安吉的太极老师一起呼吸吐纳, 吸收山间灵气,将浮躁与繁杂抛之脑后. 价格以人民币计价, 另加收10%服务费及6%增值税 MORNING TAI CHI CLASS Classes are free on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 8:30am - 9:30am. Available other days on request at a charge of CNY

118 per person

24 hours advance booking required Enjoy an energising session of tai chi guided by our professional tai chi instructor, surrounded by the misty mountain landscape. There'

s no better way to start the day… We recommend you participate in this activity on an empty stomach. Our Leisure Concierge will be happy to reserve for you. All prices are in RMB, subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT. 鸡尾酒课堂 每晚6点至10点238元/人需提前24小时预约 在望湖酒吧享受酒精的热浪,让我们举杯欢庆,共享时刻,由专业调酒师 指点如何调试3款不同的鸡尾酒! 价格以人民币计价,另加收10%服务费及6%增值税 COCKTAIL MAKING 6:00pm - 10:00pm CNY

238 per person

24 hours advance booking required Toast to your creativity at Bamboo Spirit Bar, where we will teach you how to create a selection of three different cocktails. Cheers to a beautiful life… All prices are in RMB, subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT. 安吉白茶采摘 每位158元++,仅含采摘体验 每位258........
