编辑: 865397499 2019-08-01
1 热能与动力工程专业(大类)培养方案(080501) (Thermal Energy and Power Engineering 080501) (2010 版)

一、专业简介(Ⅰ、Major Introduction) 热能与动力工程专业是宽口径专业,包括电厂热能动力、热力发动机、热能工程、制冷空调与 低温工程和热工过程自动化等五个专业方向,培养具备热能工程、动力机械、动力工程、热工自动 化、制冷与空调等方面的基础和专业知识,能在国民经济各部门从事热能与动力相关的工程设计、 产品研发及技术管理等方面的复合型高级工程技术人才.

The major of Thermal Energy &

Power Engineering offers five academic directions including Power Station Thermal Energy &

Power Engineering, Thermal Heat Engine, Thermal Energy Engineering, Refrigeration air-conditioning&

Cryogenic Engineering and Thermal Process Automation. This major is committed to cultivating advanced engineering talents with inter-disciplinary knowledge in engineering design, products research and development, technology management in fields correlated with thermal energy and power engineering, e.g. thermal energy engineering, power machinery, power engineering, thermal process automation, refrigeration and air-conditioning.

二、培养目标(Ⅱ、Academic Objectives) 本专业主要培养能量转换与利用和动力工程领域具有宽厚基础理论, 扎实专业知识和基本技能, 较强实践和创新能力,较高文化素质和良好职业道德的复合型高级工程技术人才,以满足社会对能 源动力领域的科研、设计、教学、工程技术、经营管理等各方面的人才需求. The objectives for this major are for advanced engineering talents with inter-disciplinary knowledge, to acquire a broad, fundamental-based knowledge, solid specialty knowledge as well as basic practical skills;

to possess the ability for practice and comprehensive innovative consciousness;

to have high level cultural quality and professional moral;

to be capable of the works in research, design, teaching, engineering technology, operation management in the field of energy and power engineering.

三、培养要求(Ⅲ、Academic Requirement) 本专业学生主要学习动力工程、能量转换与有效利用的基本理论与技术,接受现代工程师的基 本训练,具备进行热能与动力工程及设备的设计、优化运行、研究创新与生产管理的综合能力.专 业教学阶段设五个课程模块:热能动力、热力发动机、热能工程、制冷空调与低温工程、热工过程 自动化,学生可任选其一修读. This major are for students to master the basic theories and techniques of the power engineering, energy conversion and effective utilization;

receive the basic training as modern engineer and gain comprehensive abilities in design, optimal operation, research innovation and production management of thermal energy &

power engineering and equipment. Students may select one of the five curriculum modules such as thermal energy &

power engineering, thermal heat engine, thermal energy engineering, refrigeration air-conditioning &

cryogenic engineering, and thermal process automation in professional teaching stage.

四、学制与学位(Ⅳ、Length of Schooling and Degree) 学制:四年. 按计划要求完成学业者,授予工学学士学位. Length of Schooling:

4 years

2 Students who complete all the required courses will be conferred the bachelor'

s degree.

五、学时与学分(Ⅴ、Hours/Credits) 总学分:154(Total Credits:154) 课程教学学时/学分: 2093/134.5 占总学分的比例:87 % (Curriculum Class Hours/Credits: 2093/134.5 Percentage in Total Credits:87%)

六、专业主干课程(Ⅵ、Main Courses) 热工流体类、能源与环境类、机械原理与设计类、控制理论、测试技术 Main Courses include thermal and fluid courses, energy and the environment courses, mechanical principle and design courses, control theory, testing technology, etc.

七、主要专业实验和实习安排(Ⅶ、Main Laboratory and Practice) 传热学实验、热力学实验、流体力学实验、控制理论实验、测试技术实验及有关专业课实验. 实习主要包括工程训练(机械)、工程训练(电工) 、认识实习、生产实习以及毕业实习 Main experiments include heat transfer experiment, engineering thermodynamics experiment, fluid mechanics experiment, control theory experiment, testing technology experiment and those attached to specialized courses. Main practices include Engineering Training (metallurgical technology), Engineering Training (electrical &

electronics), Recognition Practice, Industrial Experience and Graduation Practice.

八、专业优势及特色(Ⅷ、Major Predominance and characteristics) 热能与动力工程是全国高等教育特色专业,是山东大学设立较早的传统学科之一,1958 年首设 内燃机 和 电厂热能动力 两个专业.历经几代人薪火相传,热能与动力工程专业形成了 宽口径、 厚基础、重实践、求创新 的专业特色,多模块专业课程体系设置,注重对学生实践能力和创新意识 的培养,兼顾技术型人才和研究型人才的培养. Thermal Energy &

Power Engineering is an elder discipline in Shandong University, which is a national characteristic major specified by MOE. The programs of Internal Combustion Engine and Power Station Thermal Energy &

Power were firstly established in 1958. With efforts of several generations, the major of Thermal Energy &

Power Engineering has been characterized with Wider Education, Broad Foundation, Practice Concentration and Innovation Strengthening , multi-professional curriculum modules, emphasizing cultivation of practice ability and innovative consciousness, giving attention to cultivate of both technical talents and academic talents.

九、各类课程学时学分比例(Ⅸ、The proportion of credit hours of courses) 课程类别 Types of courses 学分 Credit 学时 Hours 占总学分........
