编辑: 苹果的酸 2019-12-03
第37 卷第

1 期2017 年1月环境科学学报Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae Vol.

37,No.1 Jan.,

2017 基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2012ZX07202004);


国家自然科学基 金(No.40901282) Supported by the National Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Management (No.2012ZX07202004), the Liaoning Province Department of Education Fund for Outstanding Talents ( No. LJQ2014134) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No. 40901282) 作者简介: 张鸿龄(1979―),女,副教授(博士),E?mail: zhl19792002@ 163.com;

?通讯作者(责任作者), E?mail: sln629@ 126.com Biography: ZHANG Hongling(1979―),female,associate professor( Ph. D.),E?mail: zhl19792002@ 163. com;

?Corresponding author, E?mail: sln629@ 126.com DOI:10.13671 / j.hjkxxb.2016.0248 张鸿龄, 马国峰, 刘畅,等.2017.清淤底泥处置中添加粉煤灰/ 炉渣对重金属生物有效性及毒性的影响[J].环境科学学报,37(1):254?260 Zhang H L, Ma G F, Liu C, et al. 2017.The effect of fly ash and alkaline slag on the heavy metals bioavailability and toxicity of dredged sediment [J]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae,37(1):254?260 清淤底泥处置中添加粉煤灰 / 炉渣对重金属生物有效 性及毒性的影响 张鸿龄1 , 马国峰2 , 刘畅1 ,孙家君3 , 孙丽娜1,? 1. 沈阳大学污染环境的生态修复与资源化技术教育部重点实验室,沈阳

110044 2. 沈阳大学机械工程学院,沈阳

110044 3. 北京桑德环境工程有限公司,北京

101102 收稿日期:2016?03?21 修回日期:2016?06?16 录用日期:2016?06?18 摘要:在清淤底泥中添加碱性粉煤灰、燃煤炉渣进行钝化处理后,通过浸出毒性实验、重金属形态分级实验及植物生长实验对底泥基质中重金 属的活性及生物有效性进行了研究.结果表明:清淤底泥中添加粉煤灰、燃煤炉渣等碱性物质后显著降低了底泥基质中可溶态重金属含量,其中,交换态、有机结合态 Pb、Zn 所占比例显著降低;

碱性物质的加入缓解了重金属的浸出危害,钝化底泥基质中粉煤灰、炉渣对 Cu 的稳定率可 达90.34% ~96.88%;

与此同时也抑制了底泥中重金属在植物体内的富集与迁移,降低了重金属的生物有效性.相关性分析表明,底泥基质中交 换态重金属含量、浸出浓度、植物茎叶中重金属含量及植物根伸长抑制率之间存在显著正相关关系(p < 0.01). 关键词:清淤底泥;




生物有效性 文章编号:0253?2468(2017)01?254?07 中图分类号:X703 文献标识码:A The effect of fly ash and alkaline slag on the heavy metals bioavailability and toxicity of dredged sediment ZHANG Hongling1 , MA Guofeng

2 , LIU Chang1 , SUN Jiajun3 , SUN Lina1,? 1. Key Laboratory of Eco?remediation of Pollution Environment and its Reclamation Technology, Shenyang University, Shenyang

110044 2. College of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang University, Shenyang

110044 3. Beijing Sander Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd, Beijing

101102 Received

21 March 2016;

received in revised form

16 June 2016;


18 June

2016 Abstract: Alkaline fly ash and slag were added to immobilize the heavy metals in dredged sediment. The redistributions and bioavailability of heavy metals in stabilized sediment were determined by the leaching experiment, Tessier fraction distribution experiment and pot experiment. Results show that after adding fly ash and alkaline slag, the content of exchangeable fraction of heavy metals reduced. The percentage of exchangeable fraction and organic fraction of Pb,Zn decreased significantly in stabilized sediments in comparison to sediment control treatment. The alkaline materials reduced the leaching potential and bioavailability of heavy metals. the immobilization efficiency of Cu in stabilized sediments were as high as 90.34% ~ 96.88%, and the heavy metal concentrations in alfalfa overground parts of stabilized sediment treatments were much lower than those of control. There was significant interaction between pH, available heavy metal content, leaching concentration, and heavy metal concentration in the plants (p残渣态>铁 锰氧化态>可交换态>碳酸盐结合态.添加碱性炉渣 钝化后,底泥基质中可溶态和碳酸盐结合态 Cu 含 量减少,残渣态 Cu 含量增多. 图1钝化底泥基质中重金属形态分布 Fig.1 Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn speciation under different treatments of stabilized sediments treatments

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2 1 期 张鸿龄等:清淤底泥处置中添加粉煤灰/ 炉渣对重金属生物有效性及毒性的影响 底泥中添加粉煤灰和碱性炉渣后,总体上,钝 化底泥基质中可溶态、有机结合态 Pb、Zn 所占比例 显著降低,碳酸盐结合态 Pb、Zn 所占比例无显著变 化,残渣态 Pb、Zn 所占比例增加.这也表明底泥中添 加一定比例的碱性粉煤灰、炉渣等材料后经一定时 间反应可有效降低重金属中可溶态含量,而增加较 稳定的残渣态含量.而且还发现,除Pb 外,添加碱性 炉渣的 SD?SL 处理中可溶态重金属 Cd、Cu 和Zn 含 量低于添加粉煤灰 SD?FA 处理,低于添加炉渣与粉 煤灰混合处理的 SD?FA?SL. 3.2 钝化底泥浸出毒性分析 由于底泥中重金属能够通过渗滤、植物吸收等 途径迁移到地下水、生物体中,进而进入食物链和 饮用水影响人类健康(宋迪等,2015).因此,将添加 粉煤灰和碱性炉渣钝化后的清淤底泥基质参照我 国危险废弃物浸出毒性浸出方法(HJ/ T299―2007) 对其中重金属浸出情况进行分析,结果发现(表1), 底泥中 Cd 的浸出浓度较高,达到 16.87 mg・L-1 ,添 加粉煤灰、炉渣后,钝化底泥基质中 Cd 浸出浓度显 著降低,其中,底泥+炉渣的 SD?SL 处理中 Cd 浸出 浓度降为 3.62 mg ・ L-1 ,但仍高于我国危险废物鉴别 标准(GB 5085.3―2007)中的浓度限值(Cd、Cu、Pb、 Zn 的限值分别为



5、100 mg・L-1 ).清淤底泥 中Pb 的浸出浓度略高于标准限值,但添加碱性物 质后, 钝化底泥基质中Pb 的浸出浓度均低于5mg ・ L-1 ,特别是添加粉煤灰的 SD?FA 处理,Pb 的 浸出浓度仅为 0.98 mg・L-1 .与纯底泥相比,添加粉 煤灰和炉渣的钝化底泥基质中 Cu 和Zn 的浸出浓 度均显著降低,远远低于我国危险废物鉴别标准的 浓度限值. 表1钝化底泥基质重金属的浸出毒性浓度及稳定效率 Table

1 Toxicity of Leaching heavy metals in the stabilized sediment 处理 浸出浓度/ (mg ・ L-1 ) 稳定效率 Cd Cu Pb Zn Cd Cu Pb Zn SD?FA 4.42±0.88c 1.12±0.23b 0.98±0.74b 5.58±1.01b 73.80% 95.08% 86.27% 93.01% SD?SL 3.62±0.94c 0.71±0.09b 1.87±0.99b 8.43±1.19b 78.54% 96.88% 73.81% 89.45% SD?FA?SL 6.85±1.03b 2.20±0.14b 1.37±0.62b 10.65±2.71b 59.40% 90.34% 80.81% 86.67% SD 16.87±3.17a 22.78±6.35a 7.14±3.17a 79.68±12.14a 注:同一列中字母相同表示处理间无显著性差异,字母不同表示有显著性差异(p
