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2007 届优秀毕业设计(论文)文摘选编

54 设计一座年生产能力为

360 万吨的矿井型选煤厂 矿物加工 03-2 班 樊俊宁 指导老师:李靖如 摘要:煤炭在中国能源中占有重要地位,世界环境问题的日益严重,都要求我们能够 洁净的利用煤炭.

在选煤厂的新建、改建、扩建中,要不断的优化选煤工艺,合理选择先进 的选煤设备,确定合理的厂房车间布置,以及选择适合于选煤厂的管理方法等等,建设节约 高效的选煤厂,都将提高选煤效益,减弱燃煤过程对环境的危害. 本设计所用的资料为晋城无烟煤煤业集团王台铺煤矿提供的煤质筛分、 浮沉资料, 首先 对收集的煤质资料的审查、校正和综合,得到可选性曲线.然后根据可选性初步确定工艺流 程,计算数质量流程、介质和水流程平衡,选择合适的设备.最后依据设备选用情况和设备 联系图,对各个车间进行布置,并对总的工业场地进行总体规划.另外,本设计还对生产辅 助设施、环保、劳动定员等方面进行了阐述. 本设计根据煤质特点和动力煤洗选特点:选用+13mm 重介斜轮―13-1mm 重介旋流 ―1-0.075mm 螺旋溜槽流程.对应不同粒级、不同可选性确定不同洗选方法,避免了煤泥浮 选成本高的问题,并对出现的难选及较难选煤有适应性. 关键词:选煤工艺流程;


螺旋溜槽 Abstract: Coal occupies important position in Chinese sources of energy, world environment problem'

s require that we are able to make use of coal cleanly gradually gravely. In building state enterprises and renovating and enlarging old ones choosing a coal yard, ask the ceaseless optimization to choose the coal handicraft, equipment choosing advanced selections coal rationally, the for sure rational workshop building workshop arranges, be fit to wait a minute in the office procedure choosing a coal yard as well as choosing, construction saves the high-effect selections coal yard, will improve the damage choosing coal beneficial result, weakening fire coal process to the environment. This design uses material anthrax screening, vicissitude material which the coal mine provides for Jincheng anthracite coal industry group Wang Taipu, first to the collection anthrax material examination, the adjustment and the synthesis, obtains the curve of wash ability. Then the basis of washability preliminary definite technical process, the computation number quality flow, the medium and the waterflow are balanced, chooses the appropriate equipment. Finally selects the situation based on the equipment with the equipment relation chart, carries on the arrangement to each workshop, and carries on the overall plan to the always industry location. Moreover, this 河南理工大学

2007 届优秀毕业设计(论文)文摘选编

55 design also to produce the ancillary facilities, the environmental protection, and the work decides and so on the aspect has carried on the elaboration. This design washes out the characteristic according to the anthrax characteristic and the power coal: Selects +13mm seriously to lie between bevel wheel - 13-1mm seriously to lie between the eddy -1 to 0.075mm spiral slide groove flow, the corresponding different of rank. The texture different wash ability determination differently washes out the method, has avoided the flotation of coal slime process cost high question, and to appears difficult to elect and to be more difficult of washing to have the compatibility Key words: technological process of washing;

heavy medium separation;

spiral chute

一、概述 1.1 设计任务、目的和要求 此次是设计一座年入洗能力为

360 万吨的矿井型选煤厂. 要求设计出的精煤灰分为 12.51~13.00%;

设计应包含的文件为设计说明书一册(附主 厂房设计清册) 、总平面布置图一张、工艺数质量流程图一张、机械设备联系图一张和主厂 房布置图两张(纵剖面图一张、横剖面图一张、2~3 标高平面图二张) ;


2007 年6月10 日前完成. 1.2 矿区交通地理 本选煤厂位于山西省晋城市,交通十分便利.选煤厂内为起伏不平的低山丘陵地形.选 煤厂内水系多呈网状分布,属丹河水系.春、冬季多西北风,夏秋季多东南风、南风. 1.3 煤层煤质 选煤厂原煤来自王台铺矿井,可采煤层仅三层,即山西组Ⅲ号煤,太原组的 IX 和VX 号煤.

二、块煤选煤工艺 根据其块煤可选性(中等可选性)及对出现的难选煤的适应性,选择块煤立轮重介工艺 流程,确定最终的精煤灰分为 ≤12.51% 并确定最终的工艺流程图见图(2-1) :

三、末煤选煤工艺流程 根据其末煤可选性(中等可选性)及对可能出现的难选煤的适应性,选择末煤重介旋流 器主选的工艺流程,确定最终的精煤灰分为 ≤12.51%.然后进行数质量流程计算、介质流 程和水量流程计算. 河南理工大学

2007 届优秀毕业设计(论文)文摘选编


四、末煤泥选煤工艺流程 根据其末煤泥的可选性(易选煤) ,选择末煤螺旋溜槽分选的工艺流程,确定最终的精 煤灰分为 ≤12.51%.

五、工艺设备的选型与计算 此次选设备是按照设备选型和计算原则进行的.

六、总平面布置和车间工艺布置 6.1 总平面布置原则 参考平面布置的原则进行布置. 6.2 车间布置 选煤厂主要单位工程为:原煤缓冲仓、储煤场、块洗厂房、末洗厂房、块精煤装车仓、 矸石仓、末煤仓、栈桥、浓缩车间、压滤车间、介质制备车间、生产控制中心和销售煤样室 等.

七、工艺流程论证与评价 7.1 工艺流程论证 本设计采用的是块煤重介斜轮―末煤重介旋流器, 末煤泥螺旋溜槽―煤泥压滤的联合工 艺流程. 根据动力煤的分选原则,并参考国外选煤厂处理煤泥的方法,选用了水力分级旋流器+ 螺旋溜槽联合分选方法, 分选的下限可以达到 0.075mm. 采用了螺旋溜槽既能很好的加深分 选深度, 不会使煤泥回收成本过高, 降低选煤效益, 螺旋溜槽本身又无运动部件, 无需电力, 成本较低. 7.2 工艺流程评价 把水力旋流器与螺旋溜槽结合起来洗选煤泥有以下特点: (1)水力旋流器与螺旋溜槽配合使用,使两种设备的特点得到充分发挥. (2)水力旋流器具有脱泥作用,有助于改善螺旋溜槽的分选效果. (3)螺旋溜槽可以出三种产品,根据煤质特点和产品要求,中煤可以循........
