编辑: huangshuowei01 2022-11-20
C hina launched the world'

s first quantum communications satellite from the Gobi Desert early Tuesday, a major step in the country'

s bid to be at the forefront of quantum research, which could lead to new, completely secure meth- ods of transmitting information.

(China launches quantum satellite in bid to pioneer secure communications, The New York Times) 近日, 中国戈壁滩发射升空了 全球首颗量子通信卫星.这是中国为争取站在量子研究最前沿而迈出的重要一步.量子研究可能会带来新的安全的信息传输方式.(中 国发射全球首颗量子通信卫星 墨子号 , 纽约时报) Comment China'

s 13th Five-Year Plan list- ed quantum technology as a focal point for research and development. The launching of the satellite reflect- ed that China has continued to beef up its innovative capacity and is ca- pable of doing good science. 点评 中国今年公布的十三五规划纲要将量子技术列为一个研发重点.此次 墨子号 量子通信卫星成功上天, 标志着中国空间科学研 究又迈出重要一步, 对推动中国空 间科学卫星系列可持续发展具有重大意义. O verall, Apple posted revenue of $42.4 billion, down

15 per- cent compared to the same quarter last year. Net income was $7.8 billion, or $1.42 share, down

27 percent. That was less weakness than Wall Street had expected after Apple'

s dismal performance last quarter. (Apple sales continue to drop, but services are a bright spot, The Wall Street Journal) 苹果公司发布的第三财季总营收入为

424 亿美元, 相比去年同 期减少 15%.净收入为

78 亿美元, 即每股 1.42 美元, 下跌了 27%.这样的业绩并没有华尔街在苹果上季度表现低迷之后做出的预测那么疲软. (苹果财报惨淡, 新iPhone 能够力挽狂澜, 华尔街日报) Comment Huawei, ZTE put Apple in a very difficult situation by constantly in- creasing their marker share of smart- phone. It is IPR that give rise to Chi- nese national brand. 点评 随着华为公司、 中兴通讯等中 国企业在手机市场上的占有率不断扩大, 苹果正承受着前所未有的 创新压力.令人欣喜的是, 华为等 中国品牌的崛起, 背后依靠的正是 知识产权的力量. (柳鹏) C hina joins the ranks of the world'


25 most- innovative economies in the Global Innova- tion Index, released by Cornell Uni- versity, INSEAD and the World Intel- lectual Property Organization (WIPO) on August, 15. The report indicated that China'

s top-

25 entry marks the first time a middle- income country has joined the highly developed econ- omies that have historically dominat- ed the top of the Global Innovation In- dex (GII) throughout its nine years of surveying the innovative capacity of 100-plus countries across the globe. The report noted that China takes the seventh position in the ranking of innovation efficiency and it moves to 17th place in innovation quality, bridg- ing the gap with high- income econo- mies. We can say, China has made an important step towards narrowing the gap between developing countries and developed countries. As a catch- up country, China is making a transition from being a passive follower to be- ing an active runner. This is much re- lated to vigorous implementation of China'

s innovation- driven strategy and various policies under the guid- ance of the strategy. From his perspec- tive, the implementation of these poli- cies is an important guarantee of Chi- na'

s improved innovation perfor- mance. said Liu Haibo from Chinese Academy Sciences. As the new comer among the top

25 innovators, why does China catch up with and even overtake some de- veloped countries? The report suggest- ed that China stands out in such indi- cators as knowledge workers, high- technology output and creative out- puts compared with those of some de- veloped countries and it scores even above the average of the overall ranked

11 to

25 group regarding R&

D intensive firms, business sophistica- tion, knowledge and technology out- put. Liu believes that IPR contributes to this outstanding performance. Chi- na tops the rankings of three indictors including patent applications by ori- gin, utility model applications by ori- gin as well as industrial design appli- cations by origin, taking up one third of China'

s indicators topping the global innovation index rankings. It is an important embodiment that IPR system vigorously fosters innova- tion. said Liu Haibo. The report added that China is now the only middle- income economy with innovation quality scores that display a balance similar to that of high- income economies. Liu Haibo noted that this is inseparable with the China'

s continuous efforts and polic- es in fostering innovation and improv- ing IP quality. The Action Plan for Deepening implementation of Nation- al IP Strategy (2014- 2020) empha- sised on IP quality and efficiency while the Several Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating IP Pow- er House Construction under the New Conditions underscores the improve- ment of IP quality. Therefore, the con- stantly improving IP quality is the es- sential guarantee of enhancing self-in- novation capability which plays an im- portant role of leading the new nor- mal economy. Liu added. (by Wang Kang/ Sun Di)

本报记者 王康孙迪 引人瞩目 ――8 月15 日,在世界知识产权组织 (WIPO) 、 美国康 奈尔大学、英士国际商学院联合发布的《2016 年全球创新指数(GII) 》 报告中,使用了这样的形容词描述中国创新的成就.报告显示,中国名列 GII 第25 位, 成为首版 GII 报告 发布

9 年来第一个跻身

25 强的中等 收入经济体.报告指出,

9 年来, GII 前25 名这一群体由高收入经济体稳 稳盘踞, 鲜有变动, 作为中等收入经 济体的中国首次跻身这一行列,引人瞩目. 报告指出, 中国在创新效率排名 中位列第

7 位, 在创新质量排名中升 至第

17 位, 缩小了与高收入经济体 的差距.可以说, 在缩小发展中国家 和发达国家之间差距方面, 中国迈出 了重要的一步. 我国是后发型国家, 整体而言, 目前处于从跟跑向并跑转 变阶段, 这与我国的创新驱动发展战 略以及在这个战略指导下的各项政 策有密切关系. 在中国科学院科技 政策与管理科学研究所研究员刘海 波看来, 我国在创新驱动发展战略框 架下的各项政策的实施, 是推动中国 创新能力提升的重要保障. 作为

25 强中的 新秀 , 中国何 以在GII 排行榜上追赶甚至反超一些发达国家?报告显示, 中国在多方 面表现与一些发达国家相比毫不逊 色, 甚至在知识型工人数量、 高技术 产品出口占比、 创意产品出口占比等 指标上一举夺魁, 在研发密集型公司 数量、 商业成熟度与知识和技术产出 等方面也高于第

11 名至

25 名的平均 得分.在刘海波看来, 知识产权对此 功不可没. 中国在本国人专利申请 量、 本国人实用新型申请量、 本国人 工业品外观设计申请量

3 个指标上 都高居全球首位, 在中国全部排名全 球第一的指标中占据约 1/3.这正是 知识产权制度有力推动了创新发展 的重要体现. 刘海波说. 报告显示,中国是唯一在创新质量得分上显示出与高收入经济体 类似平衡的中等收入经济体.刘海 波认为,这与中国近年来密集落地的注重创新和提升知识产权质量的 各项政策密不可分. 《深 入实施国家知识产权战略行动计划(2014-

2020 年) 》 提出更加注重知识产权质 量和效益;

《国务院关于新形势下加 快知识产权强国建设的若干意见》 强调提升知识产权质量.由此,在中国不断提升的知识产权质量是提 高自主创新能力的基本保障,其真正发挥了引领经济新常态的作用. 刘海波说. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 双语 CHINA REPORT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 社址: 北京市海淀区蓟门桥西土城路6号 邮编:

100088 电邮: cipnews@vip.sina.com 编辑中心:

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82034358 印刷: 解放军报印刷厂 2016年8月24日 星期三出版 主编: 吴辉副主编: 柳鹏英文审校: 崔卫国 August 24,2016 Published on Wednesday Editor-in-Chief: Wu Hui Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Liu Peng English Reviser: Cui Weiguo C hinese universities will have the autonomy in transferring and commercializing the intellectual property from scientific research and shall keep all the earnings, according to a circular issued jointly by the Min- istry o........
