编辑: 赵志强 2019-11-14

It will include appliances that reduce water usage and save time. It will be space saving and eco minded, with multimedia functions. It will feature a mix of both high tech and economical design. But above all, it will not look like the bathroom of the past. Welcome to AXENT. 欢迎进入恩仕的世界 未来的卫浴空间将会如何发展?它将更加智慧.首先,未来的卫生间将体现强烈的生态环保意识,所有的应用设施和 卫生洁具都将以减少水资源浪费为宗旨.同时,未来的卫生间还能够融合多媒体功能.不但节省空间,还将最大化地 节约使用者的宝贵时间.它是高科技和环保设计的巧妙结合.它将与所有过去的卫生间迥然不同.欢迎来到恩仕的世界. AXENT.ONE COLLECTION COMPANY PRIMUS COLLECTION GRACE COLLECTION The Bodhi-tree (or wisdom-tree) is a symbol of an individual'

s journey to in?nity. Just as a tiny seed grows into a resilient tree so too should the mind and heart seek to achieve spiritual enlightenment. WISDOM FOR LIFE WISDOM FOR LIFE PHILOSOPHY In every epoch, there are individuals of vision, free-spirited antagonists, with an unyielding passion to explore the new and unexpected. Their thinking is broad, their eyes are set on the horizon, not just on the nearby. AXENT embodies this spirit. A belief in the principle of delivering simplicity out of complexity derives from an inherent ability to create products using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight. AXENT is passionate about technology. And committed to iconic design. 每个时代,都有这样一群先锋式人物.他们思想开放,想象丰富,对新生事物充满探索的激情.他们思维 开阔,展望未来,从不局限于当下.AXENT恩仕正是如此.化繁为简是恩仕的信仰,它来自于恩仕与生 俱来的能力――运用知识、 经验、 理解、 常识和洞察来创造产品. 恩仕怀有对科技的无限激情, 致力于标志性设计. 智慧改变生活

03 04 菩提树(智慧树)是个人追求无穷之境的象征.就像一颗微小的种子向往成长为参天大树, 人类的心灵也始终 在追寻精神的启蒙.

05 06 TECHNOLOGY WISDOM FOR LIFE INNOVATION IS MORE THAN MEETSTHE EYE 恩仕集团致力于创造一个更加美好的未来,通过高科技且工艺精湛的卫浴产品全面 地提升人类的生活质量.在恩仕 研发中心300位工程师和其他1200位员工的共同努力下,恩仕集团始终不忘其雄心勃勃的愿景:成为世界领先的创新 卫浴产品供应商,打造整体智能卫浴空间. 创新超越视觉 The AXENT Group is wholly committed to creating a future where beautifully crafted products bring an unimagined level of quality to our lives. With

300 engineers in its research and development centre, alongside

1200 employees, the AXENT Group is well positioned to achieve its vision to become the world'

s most innovative and reliable provider of sanitary technology. WISDOM FOR LIFE AXENT.ONE AXENT.ONE COLLECTION 创造外观好看的产品很简单,让产品极简化却相当困难.产品创新同样如此.在追求完美的过程中去除一切冗杂正是 AXENT.ONE的设计密码. 新一代智能坐便器AXENT.ONE,是剔除一切冗余的极简 设计代表之作.融众多功能为一体,通过一个独立的旋钮, 就可以实现几乎所有的功能. It is very simple to create something that looks good, but it is very complicated to create something that is simple. Product innovation is as si m p l e as that. Removing the complex in pursuit of perfection epitomises the AXENT.ONE design code. AXENT.ONE is a new generation shower toilet with a series of exceptional functions that can all be controlled using a single control. It makes everyth i ng super?uous obsolete. MANY FEATURES ONE CONTROL Spray arm position Water Flow Water Temp Lady Wash Rear Wash 多种功能,一键掌控 This award-winning shower toilet brings style to your bathroom. A single control regulates the position and ?ow of the shower spray, as well as the water temperature. Located discreetly to the right of the toilet bowl, this control is as easy to use as the crown on a Swiss timepiece. 获得多项国际大奖的AXENT.ONE 智能坐便器将为您的卫生间带来全新风尚.通过一个简单的旋钮,您可以 自由调节冲洗过程中的水流,水温等.ONE. DIAL旋钮位于坐便器陶瓷底座右侧,操作起来就像使用瑞士手表的 表冠一样简单便捷. To remove the lid and cover for cleaning purposes, simply place them in an upright position. CLEAN BY DESIGN 洁净设计 AXENT.ONE智能坐便器重新定义了现代坐便器的卫生标准,将卫生间转变为圣洁奢华之境.抗菌 陶瓷釉面和无缝冲刷设计有效减少细菌滋生,清洁也更加简单.坐便器座圈和上盖可以轻松拆卸,清洁 和重新安装. AXENT.ONE rede?nes modern toilet hygiene and transforms a bathroom into a sanctuary of luxury. The stain-resistant surface and the rimless pro?le help eliminate bacteria, making it easier to keep everything clean. The toilet lid and cover, can easily be removed, cleaned and remounted. AXENT'

s compact design means that the shower toilet will ?t into just about any household setting. It also hides unsightly plumbing and helps reduce water consumption. Cleverly, it uses about the same amount of water as a modern low-?ush toilet, so it is not only kind to the environment, but also helps reduce your water bill. 极简设计意味着AXENT.ONE系列智能坐便器可以适用于几乎所有空间,水管隐藏在陶瓷内部,更 加美观.AXENT.ONE系列坐便器的用水量等同于现代低量冲水马桶,有效减少了水资源浪费,更 环保,更节约.

13 拆卸清洗,只需两步

07 08 SEAT HEATING To maximise your comfort as the seasons change, the seat includes adjustable heating that can be set to your individual needs. An integrated sensor detects your presence on the seat and, if set to heat, starts to warm immediately. MASSAGE FUNCTIONS Theoscillatingshowerspray,forrearandfemininewash,provides a thorough, comfortable clean. The gentle spray is pleasant and soothing, and you can easily adjust its position and temperature. AXENT.ONE COLLECTION

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01 02 ADDITIONAL COMFORTS WARM AIR DRYER Use the remote control to adjust the temperature of the warm air dryer. The resulting gentle air?ow across your skin leaves you feeling clean, fresh and dry. DEODORISER Once the sensor in the shower toilet seat recognises that you are sitting down, the automated deodoriser activates. Utilising the latest diatomite ?ltration technology, the deodoriser neutralises odours rapidly, enhancing your experience and improving your WISDOM FOR LIFE overall wellbeing. AXENT.ONE COLLECTION SEAT HEATING MASSAGE FUNCTIONS

03 暖风烘干 通过APP或遥控器, 你可以调节暖风烘干的温度.暖风轻轻拂 过,让你的肌肤更加干净清爽. 智能除臭 当智能盖的集成传感器检测到坐便器正在使用中时,智能除臭装 置将瞬间启动.利用尖端的过滤技术, 除臭器将迅速消除异味, 从 而给您带来更清新的如厕体验. 座圈加热 座圈加热可以根据个人需要进行温度调节,从而在全年的不同季节 里都提供最优的舒适感.设定内置感应器为加热状态,一旦集成传 感器检测到座圈为使用状态,座圈随即开始加热. 移动按摩 臀洗和妇洗状态下, 移动冲洗愉悦而舒缓, 将给您带来全面舒适的洁 净体验,您还可以轻松调节喷嘴位置和水流温度.

04 To maximise your comfort as the seasons change, the seat includes adjustable heating that can be set to your individual needs. An integrated sensor detects your presence on the seat and, if set to heat, starts to warm immediately. The oscillating shower spray, for rear and feminine wash, provides a thorough, comfortable clean. The gentle spray is pleasant and soothing, and you can ea........
