编辑: 哎呦为公主坟 2019-11-15

2016 东华三院高可宁纪念小学及东华三院马锦灿纪念小学两位同学与其他十八位香港学 生代表一同获邀参加第十八届 「飞向北京 ― 飞向太空」 全国青少年航空航天模型教 育竞赛总决赛.

Two students from TWGHs Ko Ho Ning Memorial Primary School and TWGHs Ma Kam Chan Memorial Primary School together with

18 Hong Kong students were invited to participate in the 18th "Fly to Beijing ? Into Space" National Youth Aerospace Model Educational Competition. 东华三院 「欢乐满东华」 的前奏活动即将展开,活动包括动员全港市民参与的 「屋屋苑 筹款活动」 .届时各大屋屋苑的街坊朋友将无分你我,众志成城为东华三院各项服务发 展筹募经费,帮助有需要的人士. 各参与的屋屋苑将於今年11月自行组织各类型的筹款活动,包括沿门募捐、义卖、 义载、慈善晚宴和粤曲义唱等,充分展现香港人为善最乐的精神.东华三院更鼓励街坊朋 友藉着自组筹款活动,增进彼此友谊,发挥团结精神,缔造共融社区. 东华三院董事局将全数赞助由东华三院主办各项 「欢乐满东华」 筹款活动的直接开支,亦 不会从活动中的公众善款中扣除行政费用,确保公众善款全数拨用於本院服务. Tung Wah Charity Gala

2016 Public and Private Housing Estates Fund-raising Activities Tung Wah Charity Gala is just around the corner. Part of the Event is the Public and Private Housing Estates Fund-raising Activities which is widely supported by the public. To support various services of TWGHs, public and private housing estates will work hand in hand to organize a wide range of fund-raising activities in November

2016 such as door-to-door solicitation of donations, charity bazaar, charity rides, fund-raising banquet and charity Cantonese opera. TWGHs Board of Directors will sponsor all the direct expenses of the Gala and no administrative costs will be deducted from the donations of the general public to ensure all public donations will go directly to our services. 苏v安执行总监 (右四) 代表东华三院接受 「齐心节能大 奖」 . Mr. Albert Y.O. SU (right 4), Chief Executive, received the "Joint Energy Saving Award" on behalf of TWGHs. 东华三院荣获中电 「环保节能机构」 嘉许计划2016 东华三院多年来积极推行绿色机构计划,全面实施七项环境策略,包括绿色管治、环保教育、绿色采购、采用绿色能源、资源保 育、减少污染及环保建筑,成为界别的绿色典.今年,本院再次获中华电力有限公司举办的中电 「环保节能机构」 嘉许计划2016 颁发 「齐心节能大奖」 ,以表扬本院在过去一年有超过一百个服务单位齐心协力参与节能.此外,东华三院黄凤翎纪念大楼及本院 所管理的物业,包括书院道九号、东禧阁、东宝阁及明德中心,亦获颁优异奖. TWGHs Wins "Joint Energy Saving Award" at the CLP GREENPLUS Award

2016 TWGHs has supported the Green Organization Campaign for years and has actively implemented

7 green strategies, demonstrating its green role model in the NGOs sector. With more than

100 service units joining the energy saving effort, the Group won "Joint Energy Saving Award" at the CLP GREENPLUS Award

2016 again this year. TWGHs Wong Fung Ling Memorial Building and other properties under our management, namely No.9 College Road, Tung Hei Court, Tung Po Court and Ming Tak Centre, were also recognized. 「齐心节能大奖」 欢乐满东华2016 Tung Wah Charity Gala

2016 Tung Wah Charity Gala, our annual signature event, will be held at 8:30 pm on Saturday,

3 December 2016, at TVB City to raise funds for the development of our medical and health education as well as community services. The Event will be telecast live on TVB Jade. Graced by renowned popular artistes and Cantonese opera masters, the TV show, which also includes entertaining charity games, is a record of joyous memories for all Hong Kong citizens. A series of lead-in fund-raising events including Charity Chinese Medicine Consultation Day, Charity Sales by our Community Services Centres, Public and Private Housing Estates Fund- raising Activities and Charity Rides on Public Light Buses and Taxis were launched in October

2016 to further support this meaningful cause. We look forward to receiving your continuous support to bring love and warmth to the needy in our community. To learn more about the Tung Wah Charity Gala, please visit TWGHs website (www.tungwah.org.hk) or contact our hotline at

1878 333. 为筹募各项服务经费,东华三院今年继续举办 「爱东华.捐诊金」 中医筹款日,贯彻本院 赠医施药的宗旨.去年得到香港注册中医学会鼎力支持,共邀得近八十位中医师参与, 筹得的善款超过四十三万元. 今年的 「爱东华.捐诊金」 中医筹款日将於11月18日举行,得蒙香港注册中医学会续予 支持,相信能获得更多善心医师及市民参与,再创佳绩.参与的中医师会将筹款日当天 的诊金 (不包括药费) 全数捐赠本院作各项服务经费之用,让更多有需要人士受惠. 有关详情,请致电1878 333查询. Tung Wah Charity Gala

2016 Charity Chinese Medicine Consultation Day The annual "Charity Chinese Medicine Consultation Day" will be held on

18 November

2016 to raise funds for various services of TWGHs. Thanks to the staunch support of the Hong Kong Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners Association (HKRCMP), around

80 Chinese medicine practitioners supported this meaningful event last year and raised more than $430,000, including public donations. With the continued support of HKRCMP, we hope more Chinese medicine practitioners will join us this year. Consultation fee (excluding charges for medicine) will be donated in full to support various services of TWGHs for the needy. For enqueries, please call

1878 333. 东华三院两位小学生参与第十八届 「飞向北京 ― 飞向太空」 全国青少年航空航天模型教育竞赛总决赛 第十八届 「飞向北京 ― 飞向太空」 全国青少年航空航天模型教育竞赛总决赛於8月10至16日在海南岛海口 市举行,目的是培养青少年对科学,特别是航空科技的兴趣,以及加强他们坚毅果敢的精神及解难能力. 是次活动共吸引四十四支伍,逾一千三百多名青少年参加,东华三院高可宁纪念小学及东华三院马锦灿 纪念小学两位同学与其他十八位香港学生代表一同获邀参赛.东华三院马锦灿纪念小学关嘉盛同学表示, 比赛除了让他见识全国各地青少年的科技探索能力外,还增加了他对设计和制作航天模型的认识. Two Primary Students of TWGHs Participated in the 18th "Fly to Beijing ? Into Space" National Youth Aerospace Model Educational Competition The 18th "Fly to Beijing ? Into Space" National Youth Aerospace Model Educational Competition was held in Haikou, Hainan, from

10 to

16 August 2016. The Competition aims at stimulating teenagers' interest in science, especially in aerospace technology, and building up the virtue of persistence, as well as problem- solving abilities among the participants. Two students from TWGHs Ko Ho Ning Memorial Primary School and TWGHs Ma Kam Chan Memorial Primary School were invited to participate in the Competition, together with other

18 Hong Kong students. 欢乐满东华2016 「爱东华.捐诊金」 中医筹款日 东华三院的年度盛事 「欢乐满东华」 将於12月3日 (星期六) 晚上8时30分假将军澳电视广播城 举行,并由无Q电视翡翠台现场直播,以筹募本院医疗o生、教育及社会服务的拓展经费. 「欢乐满东华」 慈善晚会每年邀得众多歌影视红星及粤剧名伶倾力演出, 又有精彩的游戏环 节,缔造无数欢乐回忆,陪伴香港人成长.一连串的前奏筹募活动,包括 「爱东华.捐诊金」 中医筹款日、属下社会服务单位义卖筹款、屋屋苑筹款活动和小巴的士义载等亦已於 10月相继展开. 本院诚邀各界善长踊跃捐输,与我们携手将爱心和温暖传送到社会的每一个角落!如欲了解 更多活动详情,欢迎浏览东华三院网页www.tungwah.org.hk或致电1878 333,共襄善举! 欢乐满东华2016 「屋屋苑筹款活动」

6 筹募活动 Fund-raising Activities Service Focus 服务焦点
