编辑: 元素吧里的召唤 2019-07-15
A03055 非居民纳税人税收居民身份信息报告表 (企业适用) Information Reporting Form of Tax Residence Status of Non-resident Taxpayer (For Enterprises) 填报日期: 20XX年XX 月XX日Filling date:Y M D 自行申报 Self-declaration 扣缴申报 Withholding declaration 退税 Tax refund

一、扣缴义务人基本信息 Ⅰ.

Basic Information of Withholding Agent 扣缴义务人名称 Name of withholding agent 浙江XXX公司 扣缴义务人纳税人识别号 Tax identification number of withholding agent 9133XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

二、非居民纳税人基本信息 Ⅱ.Basic Information of Non-resident Taxpayer 非居民纳税人中文名称 Chinese name of non-resident taxpayer XXX公司 非居民纳税人在中国的纳税人识别号 Tax identification number of non-resident taxpayer in China XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 非居民纳税人在居民国(地区)名称 Name of non-resident taxpayer in resident state (region) XXXXXXXX 非居民纳税人在居民国(地区)的纳税人识别号 Tax identification number of non-resident taxpayer in resident state (region) XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 非居民纳税人在中国联系地址和邮政编码 Contact address and postal code in China XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 非居民纳税人在居民国(地区)联系地址和邮政编码 Contact address and postal code in resident state (region) XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 非居民纳税人在中国的联系电话 Telephone number in China XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 非居民纳税人在居民国(地区)的联系电话 Telephone number in resident state (region) XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 非居民纳税人的居民国(地区) Resident state (region) XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 非居民纳税人享受税收协定名称 Name of the applicable tax treaty XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

三、扣缴义务人使用信息 Ⅲ.Information for Use by Withholding Agent 提示:"税收居民"是指符合缔约国国内税法中对居民定义的人,包括企业和个人.如果非居民纳税人不是需享受税收协定缔约对方的税收居民,则不能享受税收协定待遇. Note: The term "tax resident" means any person (e.g. an enterprise or individual) who, under the domestic tax law of a contracting state to the tax treaty, shall be regarded as a resident. If the non-resident taxpayer is not a resident of the other contracting party to the tax treaty, it shall not be entitled to the treatment under the tax treaty. 1.非居民纳税人在缔约对方的组织类型 The organization type of the non-resident taxpayer in the other contracting party 具有独立纳税地位的营利实体 Business entity with independent taxpayer status 不具有独立纳税地位的营利实体 Business entity without independent taxpayer status 政府 Government 非营利组织 Non-profit organization 其他 Others *2.非居民纳税人在缔约对方的组织类型如为"其他",请说明 Please explain if the answer to Question

1 is "others". 3.请引述非居民纳税人构成缔约对方税收居民的缔约对方国内法律依据: Please cite the domestic legal basis based on which the non-resident taxpayer qualifies as a tax resident of the other contracting party: 4.请简要说明非居民纳税人构成缔约对方税收居民的事实情况: Please briefly describe the facts based on which the non-resident taxpayer qualifies as a tax resident of the other contracting party: 5.声明: Declaration: 我谨声明,我为需享受税收协定缔约对方税收居民,我成为缔约对方税收居民并非为了获得税收协定利益而安排. I hereby declare that I am a tax resident of the other contracting party to the tax treaty and the purpose of becoming such a tax resident is not to obtain the tax treaty benefits. 非居民纳税人签章或签字 20XX年XX月XX日Seal or signature of the non-resident taxpayer Y M D
