编辑: 我不是阿L 2019-07-15
词根词汇记单词 -----pac & crim 语言的发展有个有趣的现象就是落后地区的语言会吸收先进地区的语言,比如中国的邻国日本,日语中的大部分词汇中都有汉语的偏旁部首,即使不懂外语也可以猜个八九不离十.

英语这种语言在最初,只有欧洲的部分人讲,因为英国与欧洲大陆被英吉利海峡所隔开,当时欧洲大陆最先进的语言是拉丁语,在牛顿发表他的巨著《自然哲学的数学原理》这本书时,使用的就是拉丁语,因为拉丁语是当时比较先进的语言,从词汇的丰富程度还是语法的严谨程度都要高于英语.英语就逐渐吸收拉丁语,以及其他的语言 慢慢演变到现在. 接下来看看两组以拉丁词根演变来的单词. PAC- Pacific, pacify, pacifist, pact PAC is related to the Latin words for "peace" and''agree " Pacific,是太平的,平静的,由pac+ific 构成.最常见的就是 pacific ocean. The Pacific Ocean --that is, the "peaceful ocean "--was named by Ferdinand Magellan because it seemed so calm after he had sailed through the storms near Cape Horn. Pacify ,由pac+ify 构成,fy 使其动词化,意为"使平静",to soothe anger or agitation. 例句It took the police to pacify the angry demonstrators. 由警察来平息那些示威者的愤怒. Pacifist: a person opposed to war or violence, especially someone who refuses to bear arms or to fight, on moral or religious grounds. Pacifist,后缀为ist,意为"人,者",所以整个词的意思为"爱好和平的人,和平主义者". 例句Her grandfather had fought in the Marines in the Second World War, but in his later years he had become almost a pacifist, opposing every war for one reason or another. 她的爷爷在二战中参加了海军,但是后来成为了一个和平主义者,不论什么原因的战争都反对. Pact,直接在词根后加t, 使其名词化,表示两方达成的协议, an agreement between two or more people or group. 例句The girls made a pact never to reveal what had happened on that terrifying night in that abandoned house. 孩子们达成了一致的,绝不透漏在哪个恐怖的夜晚在那个废弃的房子里发生的事情. Crim-- criminology, decriminalize Crim comes form the Latin words for "fault or crime" or "accusation". 这个词根的意思是"错误,犯罪" Criminology the study of crime, criminals , law enforcement, and punishment. 这个词是由crim+nology构成,ology 表示一种学科,因此,整体的意思就是犯罪学. 例句His growing interest in criminology led him to become a probation officer. 他对犯罪学越来越感兴趣,使他最终成为了一位 缓刑监视官. Decriminalize;

to remove or reduce the criminal status of 前缀de 就是使减少,使去除之意,这个词就是"非刑事化,使...不再违法". 例句An angry debate over decriminalizing doctor-assisted suicide raged all day in the statehouse. 关于使医生辅助自杀合法化的辩论在国会进行了一天,整个辩论偶读充满了火药味.
