编辑: 烂衣小孩 2019-07-13
王毅硕士研究生导师个人简介 1.

导师的个人简介 王毅,男,1964年9月出生,湖南桃源县人,中共党员,医学博士,国家二级教授,一级主任医师,博士研究生导师,吉林大学、中国医科大学、福建医科大学、三峡大学客座教授.中组部联系专家,全国卫生系统先进个人.湖南省侨联常委,政协衡阳市委员会委员.日本北海道大学、美国克里夫兰医学中心访问学者.湖南省普通高等院校青年骨干教师.湖南省新世纪121人才工程第一层次人选,湖南省高层次卫生人才"225"工程学科带头人,南华大学"蒸湘学者"特聘教授.现任海南医学院第二临床学院院长、海南医学院移植医学研究所所长. 2006年主持完成中国第一例ABO血型不相容肾移植手术,改写了中国教科书.指导全国20余家医院完成此项手术200多例.主持完成国自然基金2项,省级重大重点6项,发表论文SCI收录论文20余篇,主编专著5部,主译1部、参编8部,制订临床指南1部.2012年8月,作为全国优秀专家和杰出人才代表,应党中央、国务院邀请到北戴河休假,受到习近平、刘延东、李潮源、马凯等党和国家领导人的亲切接见. 2.研究方向 器官移植免疫/抗肿瘤干细胞新药研发 3.发表的学术论文和专著 发表论文 [1]. Cao J, Liu L, Zhang Y, Xiao J, Wang Y* (2017) The influence of HK2 blood group antigen on human B cell activation for ABOi-KT conditions. BMC Immunol 18: 49. [2]. Zhang Y, Liu L, Li F, Wu T, Jiang H, Jiang X, Du X, Wang Y* (2017) Salinomycin Exerts Anticancer Effects on PC-3 Cells and PC-3-Derived Cancer Stem Cells In Vitro and In Vivo. Biomed Res Int 2017: 4101653. [3]. Gao B, Long C, Lee W, Zhang Z, Gao X, Landsittel D, Ezzelarab M, Ayares D, Huang Y, Cooper DKC, Wang Y*, Hara H (2017) Anti-Neu5Gc and anti-non-Neu5Gc antibodies in healthy humans. PLoS One 12: e0180768. [4]. Li Q, Hara H, Zhang Z, Breimer ME, Wang Y, Cooper DKC (2018) Is sensitization to pig antigens detrimental to subsequent allotransplantation? Xenotransplantation: e12393. [5]. Wang Y* (2011) Effects of salinomycin on cancer stem cell in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells. Med Chem 7: 106-111. [6]. Wang L, Cooper DKC, Burdorf L, Wang Y, Iwase H (2018) Overcoming Coagulation Dysregulation in Pig Solid Organ Transplantation in Nonhuman Primates: Recent Progress. Transplantation. [7]. Li T, Lee W, Hara H, Long C, Ezzelarab M, Ayares D, Huang H, Wang Y, Cooper DK, Iwase H (2017) An Investigation of Extracellular Histones in Pig-to-Baboon Organ Xenotransplantation. Transplantation. [8]. Iwase H, Hara H, Ezzelarab M, Li T, Zhang Z, Gao B, Liu H, Long C, Wang Y, Cassano A, Klein E, Phelps C, Ayares D, Humar A, Wijkstrom M, Cooper DKC (2017) Immunological and physiological observations in baboons with life-supporting genetically engineered pig kidney grafts. Xenotransplantation 24. [9]. Zhou H, Liu H, Ezzelarab M, Schmelzer E, Wang Y, Gerlach J, Gridelli B, Cooper DK (2015) Experimental hepatocyte xenotransplantation--a comprehensive review of the literature. Xenotransplantation 22: 239-248. [10]. Iwase H, Ekser B, Zhou H, Liu H, Satyananda V, Humar R, Humar P, Hara H, Long C, Bhama JK, Bajona P, Wang Y, Wijkstrom M, Ayares D, Ezzelarab MB, Cooper DK (2015) Further evidence for sustained systemic inflammation in xenograft recipients (SIXR). Xenotransplantation 22: 399-405. [11]. Iwase H, Ekser B, Satyananda V, Zhou H, Hara H, Bajona P, Wijkstrom M, Bhama JK, Long C, Veroux M, Wang Y, Dai Y, Phelps C, Ayares D, Ezzelarab MB, Cooper DK (2015) Initial in vivo experience of pig artery patch transplantation in baboons using mutant MHC (CIITA-DN) pigs. Transpl Immunol 32: 99-108. [12]. Wang M, Liu Y, Zou J, Yang R, Xuan F, Wang Y, Gao N, Cui H (2015) Transcriptional co-activator TAZ sustains proliferation and tumorigenicity of neuroblastoma by targeting CTGF and PDGF-beta. Oncotarget 6: 9517-9530. [13]. Iwase H, Ekser B, Satyananda V, Bhama J, Hara H, Ezzelarab M, Klein E, Wagner R, Long C, Thacker J, Li J, Zhou H, Jiang M, Nagaraju S, Veroux M, Bajona P, Wijkstrom M, Wang Y, Phelps C, Klymiuk N, Wolf E, Ayares D, Cooper DK (2015) Pig-to-baboon heterotopic heart transplantation--exploratory preliminary experience with pigs transgenic for human thrombomodulin and comparison of three costimulation blockade-based regimens. Xenotransplantation 22: 211-220. [14]周浩,陈专华,邢增术,王毅.人FasL基因转染成熟树突状细胞对T淋巴细胞增殖和凋亡的影响.生物化学与生物物理进展.2011;
