编辑: 苹果的酸 2019-07-10
杭州市X X X X 局 (红色字体为单位信签纸体现,勿打印) 印度驻沪总领馆: XXX(申办单位)向印度驻沪总领事馆致意,并请准予向XXX(团长名字)为团长的X 人代表团发入境签证.

代表团名单如下,其中包括代表团各成员的工作单位、职务、和护照号码: 名单 序号 姓名 工作单位 职务 护照号码 代表团此次出访印度的目的是访问XXXXXXX,双方将进行XXXXX交流,并将访问以下城市:新德里、XXX. 该代表团访问印度的形成如下: 行程 日期 地点 内容 印度公务方名称(可选) 备注 X月X 日 X月X 日 X月X 日 盖章 地址:浙江省杭州市XXX区XXX 邮编:310000

电话:0571-XXXXXXX 传真:0571-XXXXXXX 杭州市X X X X 局 (红色字体为单位信签纸体现,勿打印) 关于公务活动,代表团已与一下印度机构联系,公务邀请人和联系方式(可选) 如下: 1.印度XXX商会 联系人: XXXXX XXX 联系

电话:2229 XXXX XXXXX(申请单位)保证该代表团按时离开印度,并且在印度产生的所有费用,包括机票、食宿和医疗保险,都将有代表团自己承担. XXXXX(申请单位)再次向印度驻沪总领事馆致意崇高的敬意. 盖章 XXXXX(申请单位) 年月日地址:浙江省杭州市XXX区XXX 邮编:310000

电话:0571-XXXXXXX 传真:0571-XXXXXXX 杭州市X X X X 局 (红色字体为单位信签纸体现,勿打印) Itinerary Date Place Activity Name of the responsile Indian organization(optional Remarks Dec.13th … … The delegation has been in touch with following organization in Indian In this regard. Given below is the list of such organizations with the name of the office bearers with full contact details ( optional ) XXXXXX COMMERCE(邀请单位英文名称) Conatct Person : XXXX TEL:2229 XXXX XXXXXX(申请单位英文名称) guarantee that the delegation will leave India in time & all the expenses including air tickets , accommodation & medical insurance in India will be covered by their own employers . XXXXXX(申请单位英文名称)avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Consulate General of India in Shanghai the assurances of its highest consideration. 盖章 XXXXXX(申请单位英文名称) 地址:浙江省杭州市XXX区XXX 邮编:310000

电话:0571-XXXXXXX 传真:0571-XXXXXXX 杭州市X X X X 局 (红色字体为单位信签纸体现,勿打印) Consulate General of India in Shanghai : XXXXXX(申请单位英文名称)to the Consulate General of India in Shanghai and has the honour to inform that a X-member (几人) delegation led by XXX(队长英文名字) is going to pay a visit to India from XX to XX (从几月几号到几月几号) and would like to receive appropriate visas the Consulate to commence the visit . The name list of the delegation along with their respective organizations,designations & Passport No. is given below. Name list- S/N Name Organization Designation Passport No.

1 2

3 The delegation will visit XXXX(印度城市名) and have a discussion with XXXX(邀请公司) for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(详细事由) 盖章 XXXXXX(申请单位英文名称) 地址:浙江省杭州市XXX区XXX 邮编:310000

电话:0571-XXXXXXX 传真:0571-XXXXXXX
