编辑: 于世美 2019-07-06
参考译文: American Wins Nobel Prize in Economics American economist Richard Thaler has won the

2017 Nobel Prize for Economics.

美国经济学家理查德・塞勒荣获2017年诺贝尔经济学奖. Thaler was recognized for his work as a behavioral economist. That means he studies the reasons behind the economic decisions people make. 塞勒是行为经济学的代表人物,主要研究人们经济决策背后的原因. Thaler received the prize partly for his research into why people often make irrational financial decisions. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the $1.1 million prize on Monday. 塞勒获得此奖项的部分原因是其研究为什么人们总会做出非理性的金融决策.瑞士皇家科学院于周一宣布授予塞勒110万美元的奖金. Speaking of the prize money, Thaler told reporters in Chicago after the announcement, I will spend it as irrationally as possible. 在谈及奖金时,在芝加哥接受采访时塞勒告诉记者: 我会尽可能非理性的花费这笔钱. Things people do to make financial decisions 人们在做经济决策时会做的事情 The award committee said Thaler explored the consequences of limited rationality, social preferences, and lack of self-control. It said the American economist'

s work has shown how human qualities affect people'

s individual decisions and the movements of financial markets. 瑞典皇家科学院解释说: 通过探索有限理性、社会偏好以及自制力缺乏所导致的结果,他揭示了这些人类特征如何系统性地影响个人决定和市场结果. Thaler developed the theory of mental accounting. It describes how people create separate accounts in their minds to try to simplify financial decision-making. 塞勒对心理账户理论的发展做出了突出的贡献.心理账户理论解释了人们如何在头脑中创建多个独立的账户以简化经济决策. He described how this can lead to less rational financial decisions like saving for a vacation while paying high credit card interest. 塞勒解释道,这会如何导致缺乏理性的经济决策,例如在为旅游省钱的同时也在支付着高额的信用卡利息. His research, Bloomberg noted, showed that people often choose short-term pleasures, which is why many people fail to plan and save for old age. 彭博社这样写道, 塞勒的研究显示人们经常会贪图短期的快乐, 而这也是为什么许多人不能计划或者成功为老年储蓄的原因. The Reuters said Thaler'

s research showed that such traits as lack of self-control and fear of losing what you already have can cause people to make bad short-term decisions. 路透社写到塞勒的研究表明 缺乏自控、害怕失去已经所拥有的 等特征会导致人们做一些糟糕的短期决策. One of those, Thaler noted, was keeping stock shares that have lost value or selling them too soon when they have gained value. 塞勒解释道,其中的一点就是囤积已经不具有投资价值的股票或者过早抛售增值的股票. Thaler helped develop the nudge theory. It is the idea that small incentives can influence people to make good decisions. He said people should be permitted to make their own choices, but society should actively try to guide individuals in the right direction. 塞勒对推动了 助推 理论的发展.该理论即小的动机会影响人们做出有益的决策.塞勒表示,应该让人们自己抉择,但是社会也应该 积极地往正确的方向指导人们. Cass Sunstein and Thaler wrote about the idea in the
