编辑: liubingb 2014-06-10
河南理工大学 单片机课程设计报告 数字温度计 所在学院:电气工程与自动化学院 姓名:马琳琳

310708020216 杜江310708020208 专业班级: 自动化07-2班 指导老师: 杨凌霄 2010年6月25日 摘要 随着人们生活水平的不断提高,单片机控制无疑是人们追求的目标之一,它所给人带来的方便也是不可否定的,其中数字温度计就是一个典型的例子,但人们对它的要求越来越高,要为现代人工作、科研、生活、提供更好的更方便的设施就需要从数字单片机技术入手,一切向着数字化控制,智能化控制方向发展.

本设计所介绍的数字温度计与传统的温度计相比,具有读数方便,测温范围广,测温准确,其输出温度采用数字显示,主要用于对测温比较准确的场所,或科研实验室使用,该设计控制器使用单片机ATS89C51,测温传感器使用DS18B20,用4位共阴极LED数码管以串口传送数据,实现温度显示,能准确达到以上要求.温度测量在物理实验、医疗卫生、食品生产等领域,尤其在热学试验(如:物体的比热容、汽化热、热功当量、压强温度系数等教学实验)中,有特别重要的意义.现在所使用的温度计通常都是精度为1℃和0.1℃的水银、煤油或酒精温度计.这些温度计的刻度间隔通常都很密,不容易准确分辨,读数困难,而且他们的热容量还比较大,达到热平衡所需的时间较长,因此很难读准,并且使用非常不方便.本设计所介绍的数字温度计与传统的温度计相比,具有读数方便,测温范围广,测温准确等优点,其输出温度采用数字显示,主要用于对测温比较准确的场所,或科研实验室使用.因此本课题就尝试通过编程与芯片的结合来解决传统数字温度计的弊端,设计出新型数字温度计. Summary With people'

s living standards continued to increase, it is monolithic integrated circuits to control the target of one of the people, it would bring convenience is also not to negate, the number is a typical examples, but to become, to our work, scientific research, and life, providing better more convenient facilities need to start from the digital technology, and all whose monolithic integrated circuits digital control, intelligent control direction. The design of the introduction of digital, compared with traditional the thermometer read numbers, temperature and temperature range, output of the figures show the temperature, mainly used to be more accurate temperature, and research laboratories, the controller to operate monolithic integrated circuits design ATS89C51 temperature sensors, used ds18b20, with four were led to the cathode tube of to achieve the temperature of the data, and can accurately. to achieve the above.Temperature measuring in the experiments in physics, medical and health, food production and other areas, especially in calorifics(example: objects such as test than heat capacity, the warm, hot work equivalent, pressure, temperature index of the experiment), is particularly important. the use of thermometer is usually the precision of

1 ℃ and 0.1 ℃ quicksilver, kerosine or alcohol thermometer. These the thermometer indicates an interval are usually very thick, not easy to distinguish correct and reading difficulties, and their capacity still very hot and hot balance required for a long time, so it'

s difficult to read, and very inconvenient.The design of the introduction of digital, compared with traditional the thermometer read numbers, temperature and accurate temperature range of advantages of its output figures show the temperature used mainly used to be more accurate temperature, or research lab. this subject will try to pass through a combination of programming and chips to the traditional figures, and create new digital thermometer 目录 摘要
