编辑: lqwzrs 2013-03-28

2 It was them______ the teacher told an interesting story in class yesterday. A they B who C whom D whose

3 It_______ China and the other developing countries _____ make great contribution to the international peace. A is who B are that C is that D are who

4 It was

6 o'

clock _______ the doctor told me the news of his death.. A when B that C at which D in which

5 I don'

t know makes you so happy. A what is it B it is what C what is it that D what it is that

6 It is high time that the exam results_____ A is reported B will be reported C was reported D reported

7 It was the fifth time that the foreigner_______ to Beijing. A came B has come C had come D was coming

8 It was demanded that the meeting_the next day. A was held B would be held C be held D held Answers: BCCAD CCC 蛋糕液的制作用做戚风蛋糕的做法,做出的蛋糕就不会瘪了.要把蛋白加糖后打泡成奶油状,将蛋黄.油.面粉.泡打粉混合好后再加入蛋白糊混合均匀旧可以了.作蛋糕很有意思,我爱上了.下一步考虑买烤箱了,哈哈.... 蛋糕试做了下,除了有点焦,味道还不错.两个鸡蛋,没用糖,直接加2勺蜂蜜,还用了旺仔牛奶.将蛋黄和蛋白分开打,蛋白里加少许盐,打起来泡沫会多点.没买到泡打粉,只用了蛋糕粉,用了4分钟,香甜可口,虽然样子丑了点.做一次可烧两锅.老公一下子吃了7个,立马叫停,还要留着给同事品尝呢. 完美了 不粘锅呀 我觉得重点是蛋要打发 我们没用泡打粉 第一锅把蛋都快打成奶油状了 做出来的蛋糕那叫一个好吃呀 并且很蓬松 第二锅因为蛋没打好 做出来的蛋糕是扁的 继续研究各种口味的蛋糕 ~~ 预热后蛋糕机就很烫了,倒入蛋糕液速度要稍快,每一个模型里蛋糕液倒得多少要均匀,这样每个蛋糕受热均匀,成功率就高.熟练后就比较方便了. 今........
