编辑: 向日葵8AS 2019-07-15

) :照片PHOTO 3.5Н】 4.5Н1.姓(拼音) Surname 3.汉字姓名4.性别 Gender [ ]M [ ]F2.名(拼音) Given Names5.出生日期 Date of Birth6.国籍 Nationality 7.出生地点 Country of Birth8.现住所 Home Address9.固定电话号码 Phone NO.10.手机号码 Cell Phone11.电子邮箱 E-mail12.身份证号 National Identity Number护照 Passport13.护照号码 Passport NO.14.护照类型 Classification外交, 公务, 公务普通, 因私, 其他 DP, OF OF, OR, OTHERS15.签发地点 Place of Issue16.签发日期 Date of Issue17.有效期至 Date Of Expiry职业 Occupation18.职业 Occupation19.单位电话 Business Phone NO.20.单位名称 Name of Present Employer 单位地址 Address of Present Employer婚姻状况 Martial status21.[ ]未婚 Single [ ]已婚 Married [ ]丧偶 Widowed [ ]离婚 Divorced22.配偶者姓名 Spouse's Name23.配偶者出生日期 Spouse's Date of Birth24.配偶者国籍 Spouse's Nationality25.配偶者联系电话 Spouse's TEL26.赴韩目的 Purpose of Entry27.在韩停留时间 Potential Length of Stay28.预定赴韩日期 Potential Date of Entry29.过去有无访韩经历 Previous Visit (If Any) 有无30.韩国内停留地 Address in Korea31.韩国内联系电话 Phone NO. in Korea32.此次赴韩费用支付者 Who Will Pay For The Expense For Your Stay?33.最近5年内旅行过的国家 Countries You Have Traveled During The Past

5 Years34. 同伴家族 Accompanying Family关系 Relationship国籍 Nationality姓名 Name出生日期 Date of Birth性别 Gender35. 韩国内担保人 Guarantor or Reference in Korea关系 Relationship国籍 Nationality姓名 Name出生日期 Date of Birth性别 Gender I declare that the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, that I will observe the provisions of the Immigration Law of the Republic of Korea and that I will not engage in any activities irrelevant to the purpose of entry stated herein. Besides, I am fully aware that any false or misleading statement may result in the refusal of a visa, and that possession of a visa does not entitle the bearer to enter the Republic of Korea upon arrival at the port of entry if he/she is found inadmissible.收入印纸(签证邮票)粘贴处 荐涝牢瘤 何馒鄂汩?祉DATE OF APPLICATION~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~汩?煅唼伲 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 傍侩鄂 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY B/L:~ 免涝惫荤亲: 汗荐措惑荤蜡: 荤扒何: 阂倾版仿: 扁~~~ 鸥: 荤刘辆幅S~ D~ M立荐老磊眉幅磊拜立荐锅龋眉幅扁埃倾啊老磊蜡瓤扁埃淬 寸搬 犁啊 ・ 何阂倾矫 荤蜡 : 绊瘤荤亲:
