编辑: 怪只怪这光太美 2019-10-18
集友银行有限公司 直接付款授权书 (只适用於使用自动转账发薪服务之客户) Chiyu Banking Corporation Limited Direct Debit Authorisation (For Auto-payroll Service Customers Only) 账户资料 Account Information (请用正楷填写 Please fill in block letter) 设立直接付款授权於以下账户 Direct Debit Authorisation to be set up in the following account: 直接付款资料 Direct Debit Information (请选择及填写所需的直接付款服务 Please tick & complete the required direct debit services) 受益人名称 Name of Beneficiary 受益人户口号码 付款人参考编号 Debtor reference code 每次付款之最高限额* A/C No.

of Beneficiary Limit for each payment* 004-002-900439001 港币 HKD (缴款单编号 Charge No.) 004-002-900413001 港币 HKD (帐目编号 Account No.) 004-002-900421001 港币 HKD (地税编号 Government Rent Reference) 004-002-208239002 港币 HKD (编帐号码 Account No.) 004-002-220457001 港币 HKD (客户账号 Bill Account No.) 004-002-220143007 港币 HKD (客户号码 Account No.) 004-002-222677007 港币 HKD (账户号码 Account No.) 港币 HKD 港币 HKD 港币 HKD 港币 HKD 港币 HKD 账户持有人签署 Account Holder(s) Signature(s) 银行专用 For Bank Use Only 印鉴核实 Signature(s) Verified 日期 Date: 注意 Note: I/We agree that should there be insufficient funds in my/our account to meet any transfer hereby authorised, the Bank shall be entitled, at its discretion, not to effect such transfer in which event the Bank may make the usual charge and that it may cancel this authorisation at any time on one week's written notice. I/We agree that any notice of cancellation or variation of this authorisation which I/we may give to the Bank shall be given at least

7 working days (except Saturday) prior to the date on which such cancellation/ variation is to take effect. This authorisation shall have effect until further notice. I/We jointly and severally accept full responsibility for any overdraft (or increase in existing overdraft) on my/our account which may arise as a result of any such transfer(s). 分行编号 Branch No. 账户号码 Account No. 银行编号 Bank No. 结单/存摺上所记录的客户名称 (请以英文正楷填写) Customer Name as recorded on Statement/Passbook (Please write in English block letters) 2. 请将填妥的表格交到任何一间集友银行有限公司的分行.如有查询,请致电客户服务热线 (852)

2232 3625.Please submit the completed form to any branch of Chiyu Banking Corporation Limited. For enquiry, please call our Customer Service Hotline at (852)

2232 3625. 3. 如中?英文文本之文义有任何歧异,一概以中文文本为准.In case of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. 1. 本授权书约於本行收到指示日起计14个工作天后生效,请於此授权书生效后取消其他转账至上述受益人之授权书.This authorisation takes effect approximately

14 working days after the Bank receives the instruction. Customers are advised to cancel other direct debit authorisations to the above beneficiary(ies) after this authorisation has taken effect. 联络电话号码 Contact Tel. No. The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd 香港中华煤气有限公司 The Hong Kong & China Gas Co Ltd 香港电讯有限公司 * 如阁下付款之数额每次可能不相同,请将最高者定为每次付款之最高限额.所有超过阁下所指定之付款限额之转账指示,将不予以受理.若阁下没有填上每次付款限额,付款上限将不会被 设定.If the amount of your payments are likely to vary each time, you are advised to set the limit for each payment at the maximum amount you would expect to pay at any one time. Any transfer with an amount exceeding the preset payment limit will not be effected. No payment limit will be set unless otherwise stated. 本人/吾等现授权集友银行有限公司("本行")根芤嫒瞬皇备璞拘兄甘,自本人/吾等之账户内转账予上述受益人.惟每次转账金额不得超过以上指定之限额. I/We hereby authorise Chiyu Banking Corporation Limited("the Bank") to effect transfers from my/our account to that of the above named beneficiary(ies) in accordance with such instructions as the Bank may receive from the beneficiary(ies) from time to time provided that the amount of any one such transfer shall not exceed the limit indicated above. 本人/吾等同意本行毋须证实该等转账通知是否已交予本人/吾等. 如因该等转账而令本人/吾等之账户出现透支(或令现时之透支增加),本人/吾等愿共同及各别承担全部责任. 香港特别行政区政府(水费及排污费) Government of the Hong Kong SAR (Water & Sewage Charges) 香港特别行政区政府(差饷/地租) PCCW - HKT I/We agree that the Bank shall not be obliged to ascertain whether or not notice of any such transfer has been given to me/us. Government of the Hong Kong SAR (Rates/Rent) 香港特别行政区政府(地税) Government of the Hong Kong SAR (Government Rent) 中华电力有限公司 CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd 香港电灯有限公司 本人/吾等同意如本人/吾等之账户并无足够款项支付该等授权转账,本行有权不予转账,且本行可收取惯常之收费,并可随时以一星期书面通知取消本授权书. 本授权书将继续生效直至另行通知为止. 本人/吾等同意,本人/吾等取消或更改本授权书之任何通知,须於取消/更改生效日前最少七个工作天(不包括星期六)交予本行.
