编辑: hys520855 2019-07-28
1 恒有源科技发展有限公司 北京城区住宅供暖以 中央液态冷热源系统 替代燃煤锅炉工程 HYY Co.

, Ltd. the Replacement of Coal Boiler with the Renewable Energy Sourced Cooling and Heating Energy Environment System for Heating Supply in Beijing 中央液态冷热源系统 的环境效果 ? 中央液态冷热源系统使用了地(水)源热泵的原理. ? 系统的运行费用比一般空调系统节约能源25-50%.每冷吨负荷可减 少用电量大约一千瓦. Environment of Renewable Energy Sourced Cooling and Heating Energy Environment System ? Environment of Renewable Energy Sourced Cooling and Heating Energy Environment System uses the theory of Soil (Water) Sourced Heating Pump. ? Operating cost of this system lower than the cost which is adopt air conditioning system for 25-50%, and reducing consumption of electricity for 1kw per tone. 在北京推广中央液态冷热源系统 减少的二氧化碳气体排放量 ? 目前北京住宅取暖以燃煤锅炉为主 ? 平均每一取暖季所需要的燃煤为每平方米30公斤 ? 使用中央液态冷热源系统由于利用了地下的浅层低能,在 同样的建筑 物中,只需要16公斤煤所发的电力.每平方米减少燃煤14公斤. The Emission Quantity of CO2 will be decreased if the Renewable Energy Sourced Cooling and Heating Energy Environment system applied. ? Residences in Beijing keep warm regard the coal boiler as principle currently ? The quantity for burning coal average is 30kgs per O in winter. ? Renewable Energy Sourced Cooling and Heating Energy Environment System collect heat energy gathered from the shallow ground, in the same construction, it just needs the electric power that equal to burning coal for 16kgs, 14kgs of coal was decreased. 热量公式的计算 ? 燃煤锅炉的热量: 30*70% *5000=105000 ? 30公斤煤,每公斤5000大 卡的热量,以70%的锅炉 效率供热得到105000大卡 的热量. ? 中央液态冷热源的热量:

860 *4 *30.5=105000 ? 以30.5kwh电力可以得到 105000大卡的热量 ? 2004年,华北电网发电每 khw用煤为0.533公斤. ? 两者差为30-16.25 =13.74 约合9.8公斤标煤 The Formula for Calculate Quantity of Heat ? Quantity of heat (an inflaming boiler with coal): 30*70%*5000=105000 ?

30 C quantity of coal;

50000kcal C quantity of heat;

70% -- efficiency of boiler;

? Quantity of heat (Renewable Energy Sourced Cooling and Heating Environment System): 860*4*30.5=105000 ? 30.5Kwh electric power can obtain 105000kcal of quantity of heat. ? In 2004, 0.5333kgs coal can get 1kwh electric power in North China. ? The difference is 13.74 (30-16.25), it is equal to 9.8kgs of coal. 使用数据的几点说明 ? 燃煤锅炉使用了效率较高的大型锅炉的数字 ? 发电使用的燃煤量为2002年数字,2005年这一数字减少了 4%,今后还将持续降低. ? 运输煤炭和输送电力的因素均未计算,由于北京距离煤炭 产地较远,运煤及煤灰的能耗远远高于输送电力的消耗. Explanations ? The inflaming boiler with coal used a numeral which is a higher efficiency boiler. ? The number was used from 2002, this numeral reduced 4% in

2005 and will also keep depress. ? The factor that transports coal and electric power are not computed, because Beijing is far from the producing area of coal, consumption of transport coal and ash great higher than transport the electric power. 其它替代的计算 ? 北京市在 十五 时期曾计划在北京市区推广2000万平 方米电采暖. ? 电采暖的方式有电锅炉、电热膜、热电缆等. ? 电采暖的最高效率为100%. Substitution ? During the period of Beijing the 11th

5 years plan, the electric heating method was popularize for 20,000,000 square meter ? The electric heating method includes electric boiler, electric heating film, electric cable etc. ? The top efficiency of electric heating is 100%.

2 项目替代直接电采暖 1000万平方米的效益预计 ? 年节电96.85kwh/m2*1000万=968500万kwh ? 减少二氧化碳气体排放98万吨 ? 减少二氧化硫排放8000 吨?节约标准煤38.73万吨 The performance that adopts the electricity directly to heating 10,000,000 square meters. ?

9685000 kwh of electricity will be economized. ?

980000 tones of CO2 will be decreased. ?

8000 tones of emission of CO2 will be decreased. ?

38730 tones of standard coal will be economized. 中央液态冷热源的其它环境效益 ? 在目前的技术条件下,发电锅炉的烟尘量、二氧化硫含 量的排放量等都远远小于供暖的燃煤锅炉,实施这一工 程有利于减少颗粒物、SO2 、NOx等污染物的排放,有利 于减少酸雨等对环境的危害.从而有利于改善空气质量. ? 各国经验证明,使用浅层地能采暖是目前效率最高,环 境最友好的方式. Condition Benefit ? Under the current technique condition, the amount of smoke and dust, the emission of CO2 produced by electric boiler, it is smaller than boiler with burning coal. If the system applied that solving the problems such as reducing granule, SO2, NOX etc pollutant;

reducing acid rain to harm environment, then improving air quality. ?The experiences prove that using shallow ground geothermal is an efficiency and friendly way to environment currently. 对未来变动因素的考虑 ? 由于使用 中央液态冷热源系统 供暖可以减少矿物能 源的30~50%,即使使用的全部电力来自于燃煤,也能 减少30%以上的温室气体排放,由于北京未来的电力 将增加来自风力、水力、核能等比例,这一项目未来 减少二氧化碳气体排放的效果会更为明显. The consideration of the factor to the future Using Renewable Energy Sourced Cooling and Heating Environment System to heating can decrease the mineral energy for 30-50%, even though using all of electric power that produced by boiler with burning coal, can also decrease 3% of air emission from warm house. In Beijing area, the electricity energy will be increase, such as produced by wind power, water power and nuclear power etc., the result that reduce the emission of CO2 will be more obvious in the future. 对北京新建项目取暖的说明1 ? 北京市的 十一五 规划草案已经明确,亦庄、通州、顺义三个新城 五年内新增建筑面积约4000万平方米. ? 北京市 十一五 规划中已明确在北京大力发展利用浅层地能取暖. ? 2005年,恒有源公司在北京浅层地能取暖的工程比例中约占50% ? 计划在三个新城的比例占到30%左右. Illumination

1 ? The plan of Beijing 11th

5 years already explains that Beijing will increase construction area in five years about 40,000,000 square meters in three new towns;

they are Yizhuang, Tongzhou and Shunyi. ? The plan of Beijing 11th

5 years already explains that Beijing will develop the heating method of shal........
